Mysterious "Pants" Arch Baffles The World!

in #news7 years ago


A massive, pants-like rock formation, standing tall and glorious in a pool of salt water in Canada's Arctic.

The Nunavut community of Arctic Bay calls it "Qarlinngua" — pronounced "kar-ling-wah," which means "like pants" in Inuktitut.

You probably can't find much about it on Google, beyond photos posted to CBC North's Facebook pages.

And not many people have seen it in person, according to our investigation.

CBC North received this photo from a local hunter from Arctic Bay back in August, and shared it with the world.

But the internet thought it was fake; CBC even got a typo report on it.

"Any provenance for that? Anything that big and spectacular should be a Natural Wonder of the World, but Googling reveals only THAT picture of it," a reader wrote back in December.

"It looks like a fake photo to me."


The Qarlinngua is located in an uninhabited area of the Brodeur Peninsula on the north end of Baffin Island, about 80 to 90 kilometres southwest of the community of Arctic Bay, according to Max Kalluk, the hunter who submitted the photo to CBC North.

The arch is only reachable by boat. It's a four- to five-hour ride from Arctic Bay.

And there's only a small window during the year when the summer sea ice is broken up enough to get there, Kalluk said.

"I can see why it's considered fake because it's very phenomenal."

Kalluk said he was around 12 years old when he first saw the formation, passing by with his family while they were out hunting for seals.

"We get to see it every year, going to our destination where we narwhal hunt," he said.

Read about it here:

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