in #wine8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Wines of the World a series #2... If you missed the first review click here.

Before I even start with my review and recommendation of Wines of the World #2… I must warn you -- It is EXPENSIVE! I was going to pass it by.., but it is so freakin' good, and believe it or not there are plenty of people out there that will drop all kinds of money on an exceptional bottle of wine.

Just as in Steemit, we are very familiar with the term -- WHALE. Well, in the wine world, WHALES also exist… They are people that are more than willing to spend upwards of a.., thousand dollars for a bottle.

The grape I chose.., is Syrah. It is one of the best choices to go along with the fall season. Bigger than a Pinot Noir (our last review).., and yes -- even bigger than the almighty Cabernet. Grown in Napa Valley, home of the "Big, Bold Cabermet..," this is where they are doing some amazing things with Syrah. And the 2013 Colgin Syrah IX Estate could be the pinnacle of all their efforts.

It wasn't too long ago, that Syrah was supposed to be, the next big thing… Convinced most people were "over" the typical choices of Cab or Merlot… Syrah was all set to step in.., and take over.

NOT… It just never happened.., and nobody has a good answer, as to why?

To be honest… Im kinda glad, Syrah never achieved the lofty status, that was it's intention. It feels like, one of those "small gems" you find when digging through a sea of typical…

With it's origin in the exquisite region of the Rhone Valley, in France. It is one of the darkest wine out there.., almost inky purple. Where in Northern Rhone they set their sites on creating a wine uniquely from 100% Syrah. And it was there.., that Syrah was but on the map!

Another great thing about Syrah.., just like Cabernet -- It's not fussy… The grapes will grow almost anywhere. While definitely a full-body red wine -- definitely. Some will say it lacks the complexity of a good Cab. And guess what.., that just fine with me. Syrah hits your palate with a burst of flavor (there is no doubt you are drinking Syrah) and then slowly tappers off, with a tinge of acidity.

Colgin Syrah IX Estate 2013 (Napa Valley)


Tasting Notes:

This wine has been described as the "benchmark" wine for what can be done with Syrah in Northern California (Napa).A big, bold red (almost purple it's so dark) This wine is massive, complex, nuanced and super intense!

The nose (aromas) of this wine are incredible: first it's the prominent bouquet of floral notes and a hit of orange blossom that invade your senses. Followed by an intense dark blue and black fruit (blackberries, blueberries), deep red raspberries are also present. Let it breathe for a bit.., and you can even pick-up some spice and even herbs.

On the palate, it's texture is decadent, almost like velvet… The dark blue, black and red fruit burst onto your tongue.., followed by a smoked meaty, definitely some black pepper (spicy), a little tobacco, underlying minerals and a hint of those herbs… My mouth is watering!

The finish is nothing less than remarkable… This fruit forward wine is balanced out perfectly with the higher level of tannins. Giving it a long lasting succulent finish that will sit on your tongue, so gently.

"If we sip the wine, we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent night." — D.H. Lawrence

I was fortunate enough to enjoy not one.., but a mini-case of three bottles of this "Nectar of the Gods" while running the bar, at a chef driven restaurant in the E.50's in NYC, just last year. I was not the "wine guy," that was our GM's job… But, Jamie the owner asked me to sit in on the tasting of some new wines they were thinking of adding to the list.

One of the local wine distributors was in the process of trying to sell us some very good Cabernet… But everyone has, some very good Cabernet's (so did we). I asked about the bottle we just reviewed and, this lovely (quite beautiful) wine rep ran down the street to their location and returned with it…

Jamie, the owner of the restaurant and I.., fell in love with it -- and it was a done deal.

Later, I helped this lovely woman carry all the samples back to her office.., and before I turned to leave, she handed me her card and said -- "Call me.., no really, call me." And then she handed me a mini-case (3 btls) of the very expensive wine we had just ordered. "That's for you, maybe we could pop a bottle or two some night?"

She was driving to the hoop.., hard!

Needless to say… We wound up, having dinner at my place, the following week -- where we polished off all three bottles… Lets just say -- it was a fun night and leave it there.

I will add… When She asked what I would be cooking that evening (2 big, fat rib-eyes, some roasted potatoes and sauteed broccoli rave), she asked if I would let her season the meat and potatoes… What she added, to this meal.., truly enhanced this wine drinking experience. The "herb de provence" bought out the all the flavor this wine has to offer. I strongly recommend it!

Cost: $400.00

Side Note:

Because of it's boldness -- Syrah needs to have it's complexity / nuances, coaxed-out of it… Giving a wine as big as this time to breathe is also a good idea. The tannins are quite prominent in such a full-bodied wine -- giving it an hour or two to breathe will to soften the tannins, while bring out all the subtle aroma's. If you can decanting this wine is a splendid idea. Enjoy!

Side Side Note:

Syrah and Shiraz (Australia) are the same thing -- exactly the same thing.

Bonus Review:

Considering the main review for the second wine in this series is.., pretty pricey… I wanted to add a Syrah that would be much more accessible to everyone. This is just a quick added bonus…

Mauvais Garçon (Bad Boy) Syrah 2015

Made by an ex bordeaux wine merchant and one of the finest chef's in the Right Bank… Jean-Luc Thunevin (Bad Boy) became famous for his Valandraud St Emilion Bordeaux. And has gone on to become a very serious player in the region.

Tasting Notes:

Described as a "crowd-pleaser" and available to anyone, who is willing to, step outside the box (like the very wine maker, himself) and try a Syrah -- made in Bordeaux! With wine makers such as these, you are assured not to be disappointed.

The nose (aroma's) on this wine is more red fruits than your typical Syrah. And a hint of vanilla.

The texture is very plush and jammy… Which is then balanced quite nicely with red berries and bacon fat (Yum) and, of course.., some black pepper and that hint of vanilla.

The finish is soft and well balanced slightly sweeter than most Syrah's made in Northern Rhone.

If you are not quite ready for a big, bold, massive Syrah this is a fabulous choice. More medium to full-bodied and much more approachable for everyone.

Cost: $15.00

I hope some of you that read this review, actually take the time to go out and try one of these wines.

If you have any questions or recommendations for a wine you would like reviewed, please comment below.., and follow @macksby Cheers!

Image Source: 1 2 3 4 


Excellent post.

I would like to read your review of a good Zinfandel.

Thank so much @gikitiki, I appreciate it! I will dig through my notes, call a few wine reps a pick a very special Zinfandel, just for you -- how about that... Thanks Again -- CHEERS!

Yes, @macksby. These are so informative. Wine is scary for a lot of people. Guides exactly like this are the answer. Thanks for another great snippet of oenology.

Thanks @fairytalelife -- just something I picked-up standing behind a bar for so many years... A bartender witha decent palette and a knack for good wine. There are so many amazing wines out there -- hopefully this series will get people to step outside their comfort zone and try something different and new. Thanks again and CHEERS!

I'm really enjoying these posts about wine. I don't think I've ever tried a syrah but now realize I need to! Thanks for the well-written and informative piece!

Thanks @ericvancewalton! I know you like your Cab's... That makes you a prime candidate for a big, bold Syrah. Very fruit forward (jammy)(YUM) but usually a pretty balanced finish.

I went into the local wine shop today to buy a Syrah and came out with a Petite Sirah. I really like it. My next bottle with be a Syrah. Thanks for the suggestions, it's making me finally branch out from Cabs.

I love Petite Sirah… Even though it has some syrah in it.., it is not the same grape. It's sort of a hybrid of Syrah. And they are even bigger and bolder than Syrah. Pretty intense, too. I hope you enjoy it!

BTW just before I read this… My prize came in the mail. Thanks Again, for the book, my friend!

Realy nice post. I am from Croatia and I live near famous wine place called Pelješac where you can find our best red wines called Dingač and Postup.
Because the fact that this sort Dingač is "mother" of Zinfandel I would like that you taste this wine and make a small review. Thanks!

Thanks @stjepanlonza... I will try a track a bottle down --- CHEERS!

I am a wine lover!! Thank you for sharing I will try these wines!

Glad to hear it @travelists... There are many more to come. CHEERS!

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