The POWER Of Water…

in #water8 years ago (edited)

The power of water is unmatchable… It has the ability to not only sustain, enhance and create life.., but by sheer force of nature, the capability to take it away -- in the blink of an eye. The destructive and healing powers of water, yes.., are equally as great, as the very life giving element we have grown to love and hate. 

Water, as we know it is.., healing, cleansing, pure, psychic, and yes -- even loving. It is the beginning of all things.., and without it life would cease to exist. The spirituality of water is, as far reaching as the the ancient Greeks.., it is, the embodiment of the four elements of Greek philosophy -- Air. Fire. WATER. Earth…

Considered to be, not only the first of all elements -- but also the most potent. It's mastery over the the others is evident in all things… Swallowing up the earth. Extinguishing flame. And falling to the earth, nourishing the seeds that grow. We marvel at it's force and subtlety, all at once… For the magnitude of it's brilliance is alive in our very bodies…

We shutter at it's force.., and bathe in it's generosity…

It's healing powers, immense. While, it's destructive powers, cataclysmic.. Just as easy, as bathing a new-born with all the healing and cleansing properties it embodies… It can destroy, the very nature, of it's creation. Make no mistake, as much as it is life giving and life affirming… It is equally, at it's worst.., it's most powerful -- a killer.

We all have witnessed the power of this, beautifully feminine of all elements, on a first-hand basis… Maybe the under-tow, pulling you further out to it's never ending depths, away from all things you hold scared and dear… It is surprisingly heavy.., and there is no doubt, mysterious. A simple bath tub filled water of 3 feet by 3 feet, weighs an astonishingly 1,700 pounds!

And moving at 30 - 40 miles an hour… It is a force nobody wants to reckon with… The destruction left in the path of such force is devastating, to say the least. We have all seen the the effects of a wall of water 10 meters high and two miles long, in such places like Japan. Or the tsunami that captured the worlds attention in Phuket, ripping the lives of so many apart and not only destroying the very nature it created.., but all things man-made in it's path. With the ease of a child…

We are all well aware.., and respect the might strength that water possesses.., when released and cast upon, it's innocent victims… But this mighty behemoth, is also used to work wonders… The power of this incredible element, when harnessed, can be used as power (hydropower).., a renewable form of energy…

Used for centuries as far back as Imperial Rome to the Han dynasty in China… Water and it's unrelenting force can power is being used.., right now, by the Hoover Dam, generating about 4 billion kilowatt-hours of hydroelectric power each year, enough to serve 1.3 million people

The healing properties of this unforgiving property have been lauded throughout time… And our relationship with it is, nourishing and kind. First holding us in the womb -- and watching us grow. It makes feel safe.., and easy to surrender, too. Spiritually, it guides us.., on our path to fulfillment. We relish in it's decadence.., and dance in it's rain!

A simple encounter, can transport us in time… We relinquish control and submit to it's power. We can feel it's soul, as it lives in our being.., luxurious and warm as we bathe in it's beauty. But are always aware of the depth of it's power..,we bend to it's will and embrace all it's love. And for all that it gives us, we will always be grateful… For it's always been with us or else we would die!

So do, not only, your body a favor -- but your whole essence a solid.., and drink some fucking water, today!


Image Source: 1 2 3 4 5 


Beautiful post!
Yes water has this power as does nature it self.
Nature is what sustains life and also what destroys life.
The paradox of life∞§∞

It is a beautiful paradox, isn't it... Thanks for your insight!

Yes it is!
The power of the universal paradox~
Grateful to be able to share such consciousness with you~*~

How interesting that one of my worst recurring nightmares has to do with being stuck in a riverbed as a flash flood barrels towards me. It represents overwhelm. Yet I get antsy if I am not near water, because of its soothing properties. Once again, you offered a thoroughly enjoyable perspective.

Soothing and terrifying .., all at once. Thanks @fairytalelife!

Great post :) you have my two cents in vote, and comment; the therapeutic effects of water are so because they bring us back to our prenatal comfort. Before that horrible trauma of birth and life

Thanks @radioactivities... It certainly is traumatic!

water is unstoppable, it can not be contained with rising fury. Excellent post congratulations

Thanks for your very generous compliment.., it is much appreciated @jlufer. CHEERS!

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