Does Chemotherapy Work?

in #health7 years ago

Video Transcript: Does Chemotherapy Work?

Ty Bollinger: One could make the argument that chemotherapy is never needed in a sick body, couldn’t they?

Dr. Sahni:  Well, yes. And here’s where I might diverge from you a little bit, from  this line of thinking, and we talked about this before. In my opinion,  chemotherapy is very different, depending on the type of cancer. So if  you look at, let’s say—here’s a really interesting comparison. If you  look at gonad cancer—

Ty Bollinger: Testicular, sure. 

Dr. Sahni: Yeah, testicular cancer, seminoma, and you  compare it to the female version of the gonads, which is the ovaries. If  you look at patients who have testicular cancer,  their survival rates with chemotherapy are 95 percent. So, I would  certainly argue, in the case of seminoma, that particular chemotherapy,  although it may be toxic, tends to be very successful. In the case of  pancreatic cancer or ovarian cancer, the results are abysmal. And the  five-year survival rate is somewhere in the order of a few percentage  points. And so in that case, yeah, I completely agree. 

 But there are some forms of cancer where I do believe chemotherapy is a  good option. Now if there were a natural way to treat that cancer, then  absolutely. I’ve always argued in all the Quest Series that they are not  necessarily telling people, and I know you’re not telling people to  abstain or avoid conventional treatments,  what you’re saying is there’s other choices out there. And after  reviewing natural means or alternative means and you want to go back and  do those conventional treatments, maybe because it’s seminoma versus  ovarian cancer, then that’s exactly what this is all about. 

It’s about education, information, and being self-empowered in making  your own decisions based on the facts, not inserting your bias. But the  problem is when you go to see an oncologist, at least as far as I know,  they don’t offer you those other opportunities. The menu is very short.  The menu is typically three things—chemotherapy, radiation, and  surgery.

And in fact, if an oncologist wanted to discuss other  alternative or natural means of curing your cancer, they would probably  be investigated by the medical board and possibly even prosecuted in  some cases depending on the situation. Not only are they not  incentivized to do it, but I think in a lot of cases, they are probably  scared to even bring up some of these truths. 

 Ty Bollinger: Actually, we agree on that—the  testicular cancer. There’s a few rare cancers that the chemo does  actually work on. I think my question was that it was really more  intended to bring out the fact that people are not sick with cancer  because they’re shy on chemotherapy. So the reason they’re sick is not  that they’re chemotherapy-deficient. Not that there are certain cancers  that chemo doesn’t work on, like some non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, testicular  cancer, and a few other cancers. 

 Dr. Sahni: Chemotherapy is not a vitamin. Chemotherapy  is not a vitamin D or a vitamin C. If they were to correct their  physiology, and they were to give their body the nutrition or abstain  from the toxins that cause the cancer, they would actually solve the  problem. If someone is exposed to a chemical that is known to cause cancer,  they get cancer. They get chemotherapy, and let’s say they get lucky,  and they’re successfully treated with chemotherapy, but then they go  back and get exposed to that chemical again. 

 Well, guess what? They’re going to have cancer again. The chemotherapy  didn’t fix that. The chemotherapy may have placated it, even if it  worked, like we just said. And in some cases, only three percent success  rate overall. The problem is not a deficiency of chemotherapy. The  problem is some other outside factor that’s causing them to be sick. 

Ty Bollinger: That’s definitely what I was trying  to get to is that chemotherapy can be a very effective Band-Aid.  Sometimes it can be a huge Band-Aid, and maybe it’s a permanent  Band-Aid, but it never really corrects that imbalance. 

Dr. Sahni: I think a lot of people still believe −  because I talk to patients all the time about this − and they really  believe that the fact that they’re going to get cancer is sort of  preordained. It’s in their genes. It’s nothing they can do about that.  They have no control over it.

They don’t realize that by cleaning  up their body or cleaning up the area in their life that’s toxic that  they absolutely cannot only prevent themselves from getting cancer but  even cure or reverse cancer once they have it. I think that’s still part  of the big misconception. There’s sort of bad luck. What can I do? What  can I do but go to the doctor and get chemotherapy, radiation, or  surgery. 


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