The Crypto Movement

in #bitcoin7 years ago

“Something big is happening. Is there a wave of new “money” sweeping the globe… part of the sovereignty movement — from the Kurds to Catalonia and Brexit to Trump — or… is it somehow akin to the decentralized “Occupy” movement of a few years ago… Is there something about today’s political atmosphere that is contributing to the growth of bitcoin?”

So asks a baby boomer Washington DC hack. Seemingly oblivious to the fact banks crashed and bankrupted nations. Just as oblivious to the fact that obviously there needs to be a solution. And digital currencies might be it.

“The rise and potential fall of digital currencies will have consequences. In Washington we need more adult supervision and behavior, and less of whatever is happening now,” he concludes, referring to a Washington that probably doesn’t even know what HTML is.

A Washington so helpless they think Russian memes is what done it. Presumably because they can’t quite comprehend how Trump, whatever his faults, could have possibly energized a generation.


Look at this great city. What once were fine buildings are now decaying. Even lady liberty has not been washed! Presumably as an intentional and visible symbol of just how much Washington has polluted our civil liberties in the past nearly two decades.

New York looks bankrupt. Decades of war do that to any budget. So Trump’s biggest victory so far might be not the defeat of ISIS, but the locking down of Washington DC, which he has in part grinded to a halt.

Giving this space, and more widely the doers, the builders, the makers, and even the thinkers, the freedom to create value without the meddling of an out of touch captured political class.

A generation is rising that aims to end a chapter of war, hate and destruction, and bring back that yellow sunshine of peace, not by gun or pen, but by code.

While Washington’s vision continues to be that of conflict, with paranoid war profiteers imagining ghostly enemies everywhere (why do we hate Russia again?), this space offers a vision of invention and technological advancement.

The world is not a zero sum game, there is no fixed pie, scarcity, of even land, is a fiction. Musk will colonize Mars, and had he been given the trillions that were used for destruction he would have colonized the next galaxy too.

Because our ingenuity keeps increasing. Robots do backflips now! Something that was said to be impossible, yet is here.

While the baby boomers, who are still stuck in the 60s, went on chasing ghosts, this generation went on proceeding in that tradition of Tesla, Einstein, even Galileo, finally bringing back a new Renascence of sorts, as the digital revolution once more promises to liberate us all.

Walls are being brought down. The tricks of banking committees are now the tricks of everyone. The privileges of 1% are now the privileges of all as “accredited investors” now accredit themselves.

And it has only just begun. From music to fine art, fishing to manufacturing, banking to accounting, even law courts, that ultimate symbol of conservatism, are to be upgraded and digitized.

Just as the transition from the spoken word to the written word, the ongoing transition to code will enrich our nations in all stratas of society.

And for that, Washington should thank us and back us. Because they have no solutions, while we do. Because they have bankrupted this nation, while we are re-building it. Because they have stranded us in debt, while we are creating true money.

Money that you can’t just manipulate as Zimbabwe or Venezuela did or many other nations, including very rich ones, before them. Money that doesn’t take days to go from Britain to America. Money that isn’t artificially and unconstitutionally imposed in contravention of Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution which says “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

The benefits of equitable money can be in the order of magnitudes for all. Money that is just code, allowing it to move quickly across the globe, while allowing those backflipping robots to hold some of it too.

Money that is not controlled by anyone, but by everyone. That can be incorporated in all necessary aspects, increasing efficiency and thus productivity. Money that is truly digital.

As such, something big is indeed happening here. The best of a generation have stood up to the challenge of addressing some of the real problems with many seeing their solutions are good, thus a movement naturally forming.

A scientific movement, which doesn’t ask for anything except for the freedom to engage in value creation. Which doesn’t have any political demands, nor requests. For much of the political class is inept, not due to lacking any intelligence, but because many of the problems facing us are incredibly complex.

They are therefore not talking, not debating, but doing, coding. Not imposing, but offering choice. Not demanding that anyone should do anything, but simply showing what they have built.

And what they have built many like. Indeed, they are flocking. For its foundations are built on some of the biggest discoveries of the past 50 years, as well as some of the greatest insights.

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