Alt Right trolls are using fake antifa accounts to defame anti Fascists

in #news7 years ago

Alt Right Nazi sympathizers are using fake twitter accounts to pretend they are official accounts of anti fascist groups. Their goal is to advance their own agenda and defame antifa groups as violent and dangerous. Take for example the following anti fascist account.

It claims be be the official antifa account but no such group exists in reality. Some of tweets from this account clearly make antifa look bad:

Fascists want you to believe that #BlueLivesMatter, They don't. All cops are bastards. And that's what we teach at our #Antifa workshops.

— Official Antifa (@OfficialAntifa) August 24, 2017

Tweet 2:

Why? Because they support our militant communist revolution.

— Official Antifa (@OfficialAntifa) August 18, 2017

BBC has also reported on this:

Far-right smear campaign against Antifa exposed by Bellingcat

Far-right activists are using fake Twitter accounts and images of battered women to smear anti-fascist groups in the US, an online investigation has revealed.

The online campaign is using fake Antifa (an umbrella term for anti-fascist protestors) Twitter accounts to claim anti-fascists promote physically abusing women who support US President Donald Trump or white supremacy.
Researcher Eliot Higgins of website Bellingcat found evidence that the campaign is being orchestrated on internet messageboard 4Chan by far-right sympathisers.

One image shows the slogan "53% of white women voted for Trump, 53% of white women should look like this", above a photograph of a woman with a bruised and cut face and an anti-fascist symbol.
The woman pictured is actually British actress Anna Friel and the photograph was taken for a Women's Aid anti-domestic violence campaign in 2007.

Falsified pictures circulating on social media (l) include an image of Anna Friel from a 2007 anti-domestic violence campaign (r)

Anti fascists are the greatest political rival to anti right movement. So, they are preemptively trying to get the public hate them which serves Alt Righters political interests. The far right trolls have no ethics.


OfficialAntifa Official Antifa tweeted @ 18 Aug 2017 - 21:38 UTC

Why? Because they support our militant communist revolution.…

OfficialAntifa Official Antifa tweeted @ 24 Aug 2017 - 01:00 UTC

Fascists want you to believe that #BlueLivesMatter, They don't. All cops are bastards. And that's what we teach at……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

cause anyone that points out the bullshit that antifa is must be a nazi right?
fucking retarded.
nazi, kkk, antifa, comies you are all the same. fuck you all!

Care to differentiate this post from my post?

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