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in #procrastination6 years ago


On my sleepy bed then came the thoughts, how to go about wishing my clothes, dishes and so on. Should I say I was wick or lazy?, maybe not. I turned round and round hoping that the hands of the clock would wait for me but before my bare eyes, I found out that it's 12 noon already. No more time to wash my clothes and so on. I quickly got up, brushed my teeth and took my bath then straight to the kitchen.

Procrastination been the other of the day.
It's really easy to say yes I will but we find it very difficult for the will to be done.

Procrastination is the habitual/intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite its negative consequences.
So many people have remained stagnant in chasing their dreams due to procrastination.

Dangers of procrastination

The stress of juggling deferred tasks increases the risk of mental health challenges in susceptible individuals.

Sleep deprivation and rushing to keep up with deadlines lead to both physical and mental exhaustion.

*Lowered self-esteem
Procrastination often causes underperformance, in turn triggering feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness.

*Scattered Relationships
Missed deadlines and appointments can wear on both personal and professional relationships.

*Career setbacks
Chronic procrastination keeps individuals from realising their full professional potential, delaying – if not derailing – career progress.

Like my father would say " Every sickness has its cure, it's alone a matter or time". Here are some helpful tips on how to defeat procrastination.

*Don’t try to be perfect
Perfectionism is the partner-in-crime to procrastination. “I won’t start because it won’t be perfect until I say it is.” Wanting to do a good job is great, but striving for perfection rarely helps.

I think I’ll just check the news, or my Facebook feed for a bit. That brief lapse and redirection of your attention could very well stretch out into another full hour of non-productivity.
Try limiting your distractions – and that includes people who draw your attention away from the task at hand.
Disconnect from the internet, put your phone on silent, and tell others you are not to be disturbed during this time. Your brain will look for reasons to pull away from that important and demanding task; don’t give it an opportunity to do so.

*Set bite-sized goals
Smaller does not mean less important. Instead of setting a goal that says, “Decide on a replacement for the regional sales coordinator”, set smaller goals of reviewing a number of possible candidates, conducting a phone interview with some of them, and perhaps shortlisting names from your initial pool of possible candidates. Doing any of these three smaller tasks brings you a step closer to eventually completing your larger goal.

*Find your power hour
When do you do your best work? There really is such a thing as being either a morning, afternoon, or evening person. Find the hour that makes you feel at your very best, at your most optimal mode of functioning, and set aside the time to do your most urgent and demanding tasks then. The power hour could simply be one hour of intense focus and productivity.

I pray we'll be able to defeat the forces of procrastination in our lives!.

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