When something is out of your control? Acceptance.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Some nights as a late teenager I'd cry myself to sleep.

And in my early twenties too.

"Why does my Dad treat me so harshly?"

That question would swirl in my head like an American super-Twister wrecking everything beautiful in its path, carving out its dirty route and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

So much despair.

My Dad reconnected with me as a young man, and it was nice. It was somewhat different to those drunk fuelled nights of shouting and punching I can remember when I was 3-4.

He would take me in his car, play snooker with me, and pay for some (quite expensive) trips abroad with me. Life as an early teenager was quite fun, for the little time he allowed me with himself. I think he was trying to make amends.

It all went pair shaped when he lost his job, and, as the human punchbag that I am I took a lot of his abuse, again. And boy the manipulation.

I was living on my own by then, nearer to him than my Mum. So he had more influence over me. And as a result I'd often take myself away, and cry, and hate myself.

Despise myself.

I was fucking worthless.

When I began to soul search at the beginning of my healing I realised something perhaps even worse.

My Dad, he never really wanted a kid.

I was a bi-product of a relationship between two people.

Mum wanted me. I know she loves me to bits.

But Dad, well, he couldn't give a shit.

Mum told me that when I was born he went missing for two weeks, and then appeared on her doorstep one week after I was home.

Perhaps that was none of my business, but it hurt. And I know men deal with a child entering into the dynamic in different ways, but Dad, you could tell it in his expression that I was more of a burden than a joy.

And I HATED myself for that.

I wanted to grab a FUCKING knife and shove it into my right eye as far as it could go. Just so I could watch the life slowly ebb away from me.

But I didn't. Truth is there was still some small part of me that thought I deserved to live.

So I did.

And a beautiful thing happened. Probably the most beautiful thing to ever happen to me.

I learned to let go of the control. I learned acceptance.

I accepted that Dad would be himself no matter what I did.

The less I worried about him being someone, someone that he couldn't possibly be,

Like a loving father,

The more I concentrated on the things that mattered in life. And then everything started to fall into place.

At home, my friends and family, I built better bonds with them because I learned to accept them for who they are and not 'who I wanted them to be'

And the exact same at work.

I began to realise that actually, the world totally doesn't revolve around me and there is so much other stuff that I've missed out on because I've been too wrapped up in my hardship.

I accepted the world for what it is,

And then I grew positive. I realised that by having a positive attitude I can accept my circumstances but perhaps change the way people perceive me and my future chances with anything.

I had accepted life for what it is.

God damned beautiful.

You guys, you guys are the best! I hope this story helps one of you :)


Another smashing post to remind me to accept the world as it is !

This was a great post and something I needed to read today. I wasn't going to vote on it, because, well, my vote doesn't mean much and this looks like it will do well.

However, the article meant a lot to me, so thank you and you have my vote and my follow, for whatever that is worth. (lol)

This comment actually actually gave me goose pimples. Thank you! Your reaction was entirely the purpose of the post :)

When I was yet a kid I understood one thing: our parents don't owe us anything. They can give us love and attention or some help, but they are not obliged to do it. Since that time I would say I was getting more mature and self-sufficient. I would also add that now I'm trying to give all the love I have to my child and I feel very happy this way! All the best ;D

Thanks for this :) I'm sure you are a great father!

Well, I can be a bad father sometimes and even make my daughter cry, but I always remember to do one thing before she goes to bed: I tell her that she is the best, the most beautiful girl in the world and I love her very much ;D
I believe every parent shall do it.

I make my Son cry lots. Not intentionally, but that's the way he interprets the emotion. Which is cool. Mostly because he's testing my limits. But I do occasionally mess up and when I do I give him a hug and a cuddle and a kiss and apologise to him for making a mistake.

I think this rubs off well on him :)

I also was somewhat down on life and had too negative an attitude for many years, although not so extremely as you did. As I came to a better understanding of individual liberty, and the fact that I don't have to feel guilty for living my life, I took on a more positive attitude and came to enjoy life more!

More recently than that, I found that unplugging from mainstream media gave me an even more positive outlook, as I describe here: https://steemit.com/life/@lanimal/sensationalism-and-availability-cascades-escaping-them-via-the-internet
Anyway, I'm glad that you were able to get out of the negative cycle and enjoy life's possibilities!

That's booked for later viewing. And I agree. I never take in anything from mainstream media :) Such negativity!

I too went through an abuse childhood. It took me a while to sort it out in my head. lots of counselling helped. I never speak to him now haven't done for 20 yrs he's not a personI need in my life. Glad you got over this and beat it

I had a lot of counselling too. You're not alone. When I say I had 'help' I actually mean counselling by the shedload, work rehabilitation and lots of wellbeing activities.

3 counsellors and a session of CBT. think that helped the most

Work rehab helped me the most. Oh, and my last strain of counselling :)

I am glad we have both got through it and still smiling

The world is beautifull @lifeisawesome!
Often I think that we are the "curators" of life, that we saw the bad things:

  • The abussive father
  • The crying mother
  • The hiding child (often under a bed or blaket)
    Maybe we are the ones who will not do those mistakes and after 20-30 years when our kids will grow he will come to us and say:
    -Thank you father!
    -I love you with all my heart mother!
    I like reading your articles, they feel me with hope for a better future!

Yes! I already hug and kiss my son and tell him I love him! :)

Don't you just love it when you have a son? I love mine to death. Mine is 7 years old.

Too true! Mine too :)

Change your thoughts... change your world :)

So true, so true :)

An idea starts within the mind of one person :)

Profoundly helpful. Thanks for the post.

No problem. Thank you for the comment :)

What a story! I willcontinue to focus on what matters the most hoping as you say things fall into place and surrounded by positive things.

I hope so too! Remember and roll with the change that life brings you - but I expect you do that anyway :)

You are your own power and your own positive energy surrounds you, a challenge conquered = successful human :)

Thank you :) - I appreciate you saying this!

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