Is there something you want to tell someone today?

in #life8 years ago

Is there something you want to tell someone today?

I’ve been writing about positivity a lot recently because let’s face it, you guys seem to be jumping on that bandwagon, and it’s been an awesome ride.

Freakin’ awesome.

No, seriously, every one of you lovely people rock.

Even those that give me hate. You rock.

But I’d like to take a small sabbatical from my positivity writing, just for today, to talk a bit about communication, and how effective it can be when done right. And, I really hope it works for some of you.

I, as a young man, for reasons I’ve explained in several other posts was taught that being myself wasn’t cool.

It really wasn’t.

I mean if I were to even try being myself I’d probably get my lights knocked out.

And in pure learned behaviour style I brought this into my teens and twenties. The mask of me.

Anyway, once the mask of me was truly ripped off by people that helped I started to learn some positively awesome things about life.

Such as effective communication.

Did you know that 90% of the arguments I’ve had can simply be diffused by saying,


And no I don’t mean the crappy “sorry” someone gives you as they walk off with their arms folded and in a petulant huff.

A sorry with an explanation.

My good friend was incredibly angry at something I had done a couple of weeks back.

Fuming he was.

In my defence I think he was just making a mountain out of a mole hill. You know? Those things that seem stupidly pointless.

But the fact was that it was super important to him. And that mattered to me.

And when I found out he was blowing steam from the ears I immediately called him up,

“I’m really sorry mate. Really sorry. I didn’t know that what I had done had upset you like that. I really feel bad. I’ll make sure I avoid it in the future. I promise”

It was more drawn out than that but you get the jist of it.

Situation immediately diffused. And after that we worked upon building our friendship as we always do.

If that were me 10 years ago I wouldn’t have apologised. Because he was just being stupid I would think to myself. But where would that leave me?

He would get angrier, and we wouldn’t speak.

Life to me is too short for that bullshit. I’d rather admit my failures and recognise the impact my actions have on others no matter how stupid they may seem at the time.

And it’s not only anger but other communication too.

Do you know how many chances at love I missed out on because I wouldn’t tell them how I “feel”

They didn’t want to know for the millionth time how attractive they were, they wanted to know how I “feel”

I couldn’t call anyone up and tell them, “Hey, I was just thinking about you today, how are you?” because that would be opening up too much.

And I certainly couldn’t go all out and say, “I bloody well like you – you make me feel good being around you”

So if you’re like me when I was younger and struggle with saying sorry, telling people how you feel, or a potential partner that you like them, or all god damned 3 :D,

Pick up that phone

Or go over to their house

Take that risk

Be vulnerable for a moment

Think about the bigger picture

Be awesome.


The reason I'm more attractive today than yesterday is you can see how much I love you more

That's a nice saying :)

This is great, that and I stayed at a holiday inn last night ;)

Diffusing yes but burying not likely. Saying sorry is you knowing you did something wrong todo me one and giving them a reason for them to realize you did a mistake catches them off guard and does diffuse the matter at hand. It gets buried see down in your Conscious for a later use. Keep writing maybe have a look at the response about what you should write about next . :) can't wait

Disagree! :) (but, hey, what would life be without disagreements, right?) - you can apologise that your actions caused them to be upset, but then you're not actually apologising what you said or did!

Like you and I.

I'm really sorry that you disagree with me. Perhaps next time I'll post something better to your taste? :)

See? I apologised, but didn't for my actions - I also offered a solution :)

What would be the difference to them though or me. You apologized for your actions or for how you made them feel because of those actions. The sorry does not justify what is being sorry about.

See sorrys are well intentions I get if it was an honest mistake and didn't think twice about the action you made . But if was to deliberately cause harm or effects to the other person that is what I am referring to.

Ah, no! I don't deliberately cause harm to anyone - so I don't know about that one! :)

Thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

Thank you :)

awesome post. Srsly.

upvoted and already followed!;)

It's is a great post like all his others

Thank you - I love your writing too. We seem to think along the same lines!

I think me saying I'm sorry is my significant other's favorite three words... :)

Haha. I say sorry lots too!

Life is too short to keep anger


Great advice! Being able to say sorry will make your life a much happier place, help you stay married as well ;)

Too true my friend :D Haha!

Seems that we are getting wiser with the years ;D

We are! :) - everyone does! In some form or another :)

Great post. Amazingly written.

Thank you - I really appreciate you saying that!

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