The Moon is Rising - The next Hype?

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Black Moon Currencie, the next Hype?

Blackmoon Crypto provides a tokenization platform for real-world as well as crypto investment funds.

All funds that operate on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform will generate a stream of fees in form of funds’ tokens toward the Platform. 100% of these fees will be distributed among owners of Blackmoon Crypto tokens (BMCs) who are registered as Continuous Contributors.Continuous Contributors will be required to choose one of a wide range of possible roles and perform specified actions to help us to develop the Platform. Investment advisors will be required to deposit a specified amount of BMCs on the Platform to be qualified and manage a fund on the Platform.
All available BMCs will be issued during the Distribution Process and no inflation is possible. Therefore the growth in volume of the funds’ tokens and the proceeds for Continuous Contributors will grow respectively.

Why is Black Moon so interessting?

The Black Moon Currency is Interessting because of many reasons. I will name the Three things that convinced me the most

1. The Team

Behind The Black Moon Currency is a Strong Team. The Co-Founder is Ilya Perekopsky which is also the Co-Founder and CCO of, which is russians Facebook! Also the pr- and marketing director of Black Moon is a big Number, its Felipe Lema Vorobey, which is the former senior brand manager of Coca-Cola! also all tghe other Members of the team have good reputation and Interessting Backgrounds.


30% of the proceeds from BMC Distribution will be reserved for a guaranteed buyback of BMC tokens at 80% of the Distribution Rate nominated in USD. The reserve will be stored in the diversified portfolio of major cryptocurrencies and will last for 24 months after the tokens distribution.

3. The Concept

Right here i wont explain the whole concept of the Black Moon Currency, you can Find all information on the Black Moon Website. As i see it Black Moon is concipated to be sustained, i like the Idea behind it. For more Information read the Website or the Whitepaper.

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