Toyota wins at Tesla, the future behind hydrogen

in #technology7 years ago

In recent years, the competition for automotive giants for the future of the automotive industry could be characterized only by the question - hydrogen or electricity. Choosing this or that concept of the company is forced to spend huge funds, which may not pay off in the future.


The future of the automobile industry, due to the tenacity and creativity of the Tesla team, began to lean towards electric vehicles.
Gradually, the main problems facing the mass production of electric vehicles began to be solved:

  • successfully mastered the segment of premium class for cars;
  • built and launched plants for mass production of electric vehicles, which continuously increase power;
  • the price of electric vehicles began to fall, mass segment models went into production, such as the Tesla Model 3, with a price of $ 35.000;
  • at the launch stage, new modern automated production of lithium-ion batteries, the deficit and high cost of which could prevent the expansion of electric vehicles;
  • one by one, the largest automotive giants began to intensify plans to abandon gasoline-diesel cars in favor of electric vehicles;
  • the technical characteristics of electric vehicles are progressing at an accelerated pace - the power reserve is 300-500 km., the charging speed is up to 80% in 30 minutes, the weight of the batteries is reduced;
  • the main players in the auto industry who made the bid for electric cars - Tesla, Chevrolet, BMW, Wolfsvagen, Volvo, the Chinese automakers are already releasing various models of cars on electric traction, creating consumer demand, loyalty.

Hydrogen engines

Undoubted leader in the promotion of the concept of hydrogen engines in cars, the Japanese automobile concern Toyota, despite some successes in designing and launching a series of hydrogen-fueled cars, was not so noticeable in comparison with Tesla, other apologists for electromobility.
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Launching the revolutionary Toyota Mirai, a hydrogen hybrid fuel cell vehicle, the company announced cooperation with any automaker, sharing hydrogen technologies for free. To such a step, most likely, the company is pushed by a complete lack of infrastructure for hydrogen cars - gas stations, service centers, etc. Realizing that one given load can not be pulled, Toyota decided to call in the ranks of hydro-fans of vacillating producers.
While cars on hydrogen fuel lost a competitive race for the future of the automotive industry, it seems that the help came from where it was expected not so soon - from science.

Wonderful aluminum powder

American scientists have developed a miracle powder, even a small handful of which, in contact with water, can produce an impressive amount of energy, which is enough to recharge important devices.
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The decision came to scientists as a result of a happy accident. In one of the experiments of the American Army Research Laboratory, scientists mixed nanogalvanic powder based on aluminum with water and witnessed an incredibly violent reaction - the water began to boil very strongly. Further study revealed that the reaction became a product of hydrolysis, as a result of which water was split into composite molecules of oxygen and hydrogen. Previously, aluminum was already used to produce hydrogen, but to start such a process, a catalyst was needed in the form of temperature, chemical components or electricity.
The new nanomaterial made hydrolysis possible without any additives and additional external influences. Just pour the powder into the water and you get energy. The reaction takes place very quickly.
Scientists have calculated that in this way from 1 kilogram of powder can produce 220 kilowatts of energy in just 3 minutes. Impressive, is not it? During laboratory tests, scientists collected a small radio-controlled model of the tank and equipped it with a hydrolysis engine based on new material.
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Researchers believe that the current efficiency of the powder in the future can be increased at least twice.
This discovery can tip the scales in the race for the future of the traction force of cars towards hydrogen engines, as it removes several problems associated with their promotion.
First, fuel cells in the form of briquettes or tablets do not require the construction of gas stations, they can be relatively easily sold in stores, stalls, existing gas stations, car-care centers.
Secondly, the design of cars is much simpler, safety is enhanced, since the use of fuel cells will allow to abandon high-pressure hydrogen cylinders.
Thirdly, the production of fuel cells based on aluminum alloy can be based on alternative sources of electricity, being a kind of accumulators of excess electricity, which can significantly reduce the cost of fuel cells.
The discovery of a new way of producing hydrogen can change the picture not only in the automotive industry, but also in other types of transport, electric power, aviation. Now the main thing is who adapts their technologies faster, who will have patents, who will get access to technology faster.
The question remains, can the emerging electric vehicle industry give a worthy response to such a challenge, as revolutionary discoveries in a significant increase in the efficiency of batteries have not yet been.


I'm hoping we could see more green energy cars in the future. I'm always a fan of science fiction but it seems it won't be called fiction anymore in the near future.

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