Seeing Patterns In Forms That Do Not Exist

in #curie8 years ago (edited)

The human mind is in essence -

A complex processing unit that has multiple functions, including that of pattern-recognition. Sometimes it misfires, informing your mind of things which do not exist in reality. I'm writing this in light of various, recent claims (and complaints) popping up on Steemit. Sure, I think disputes are healthy. But I think it's best to present cases in multiple perspectives. It's an art. Communication is tricky after all.

Like life on the grander scale, I personally think that the world is a little too messy for anyone to fully dominate the ebb and flow of events.

Sure, violence and fear is the best way to do it.

But for all intents and purposes, that is not happening here on Steemit. Especially when events are so fast moving here, compared to the long-spaces in between events of the "real" world. And I think it's great that whales are starting to see value in trusted curation guilds to further decentralise their powers, while at the same time, retaining honest actors who are time-invested in the system until platform maturity.

Curie has been a great experience for me.

It is fun figuring out how to build community firms easily on the Internet, with loose, porous, and participatory protocols, while at the same time reporting a great deal in transparency. And it's definitely up to our investors (the whales) to continue supporting our philosophy (or at least, that's what I'm personally thinking about the whole deal).

Anyone can begin by starting their own voting curation groups too.

It's not a perfect world we're living in, not yet.

And Curie's definitely not the perfect model. We're just miners in the end, trying to put value into things that are worth putting value into. One day as cost optimization catches up, we will be happy to move onto building something else to further reduce the use of resources in running a truly decentralized social platform.

Until then, just keep building and rewarding honest folks.

Follow me @kevinwong


Keep up the awesome, Kevin. :)

Sure, violence and fear is the best way to do it.

I think we need to redefine "best" as a species within this context. It may be the most effective on a short term basis, but I think, with the invention of the Internet, human beings have access to information like never before. We can educate ourselves, engage neuroplasticity, and change our thinking. We can begin to act as more rational actors which involves not just short term thinking, but also long term thinking. In repeated prisoner's dilemma situations, cooperation is always more rewarding than defecting. Our technology is helping us learn these realities. In the future, I'm hoping, violence and fear will be seen as very primitive, and ultimately (on the long term) ineffective mechanisms for change in events.

Yes, best as in primitively best indeed :)
Never heard of the repeated prisoner's dilemma before, gonna check it out - thanks!

I recently read The Origins of Virtue and really enjoyed it. Good stuff there you'd probably enjoy also.

Appreciate you and all you do~
Steem ON~*~

Steem off! I'm gonna rest today lol

Rest is key. Though I am sure you will be steeming on tomorrow! =)>

Eventually, we find our place in a crowd of people. It takes some longer to do so, but we all find our group. Thank you for the post.

Yes.. Steemit (and Steem) is only a few months old, it will take time. Hopefully we'll get there in time for market speculation to sustain the platform further until fiat-crypto worlds are bridged sufficiently.

excellent post, beautiful words, much ingenuity used in its realization thank you very much

Thanks you, glad you enjoyed it :)

Hi @kevinwong, project curie is so far the best initiative to incentive to regulars user to keep in steemit, I see a bright future for curie by all the positivism that represent.

Thank you - it will change over time of course, but yes we hope to pass down some best practices learning from experience..

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." Oprah Winfrey
And actual here :)

Not a big fan of Oprah Winfrey, but that works lol :)

"There are only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former." Albert Einstien
"Есть две бесконечные вещи: Вселенная и человеческая глупость. Впрочем, насчет первой я не уверен."
А. Энштейн

Somehow Sylvia jumped in my Human(e) mind :)
“The human mind is so limited it can only build an arbitrary heaven — and usually the physical comforts they endow it with are naively the kind that can be perceived as we humans perceive — nothing more. No: perhaps I will awake to find myself burning in hell. I think not. I think I will be snuffed out. Black is sleep; black is a fainting spell; and black is death, with no light, no waking.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

"Sometimes it misfires, informing your mind of things which do not exist in reality."

You mean like that the earth is a ball?

If it's flat, GPS-tracking systems wouldn't work.

God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease.

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