Artifact of the 21st Century: The D-Day Party Goat (2012)

in #artifact8 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, Mayan Calendar sensationalists sold the idea that the world would end around 21st December 2012. Of course we know that it's BS, but how can one disprove such claims? So some of us had the brilliant idea to host a party in a suite, right in the middle of Kuala Lumpur.

We hauled in loudspeakers along with a buttload of alcoholic beverages. Music, drinks, and laughter flowed all night. Woke up next morning to this.. rather decorated rubber / plastic goat.

This is proof that I have. The world did not end. Or did it?

Did the party even take place? An artifact can only say so much about the past.. but perhaps it's better than nothing at all..

What's your artifact?

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Once upon a time, Mayan Calendar sensationalists sold the idea that the world would end around 21st December 2012

Wanna hear my take on that?

Well imagine you are a Maya who has to make this calendar for the next few thousand years... using stones and .... more stones to do so.
Ok, now that you have the picture in your head, imagine that you Kev the Maya have been making this calendar for the last 3263 days, and one day you just get sick of it...
"Screw this stone calendar carving" you say...
And it just happens that you got to 2012....
Hence the whoel story. Really i just think the guy who was doing it got sick of it one day

Yeah i think thats what happened too. And the sensationalists took it as a hint of something.. as usual -_- lol. It could just be some scifi story they were building.. or some kind of elaborate meme

Well, it is just cartering to this big desire that people have for the "end of the world". Back in 2010-2012, I've read a lot on the whole thing, and even those dates are incorrect, as well as the stuff behind them. :-D
Maybe someone who collects those end of times, and armageddon dates should post about that. There about 2-3 dates every given year, and that has been going for quite a few thousands of years. :-D

Yeah it was another reason for us to throw a party at the block lol. Not sure in other part of the world, but all consumer fronts were 2012ing , biggest being that 2012 movie with billboards all over the city

Rubber goat lol, 10 dollars off Tesco (something like Walmart)

I thought is left overs from the year of the goat (2015)?
Next year, leftovers of monkeys.

Damn now im getting mindf***ed . Really have no idea why its a goat. According to the chinese zodiac, 2015 was indeed the year of the goat. I guess we just bought whatever we saw to serve as the POW artifact lol

Next year, if you get monkeys, then you know. :-)

Imagine seeing same goat again and a friend calling to remind about that party

Some believe that when you die, you have 7 minutes of brain activity left inside you. And in that 7 minutes, you experience your entire life all over again. Much like a flash back.
Since time is super stretched in the dream state, how do you know if you are not currently in that 7 minutes reliving old memories. Everything now could be just the manifestation of your deepest desires :)

I got my goat! And I can see all the signatures clearly and call them up to authenticate the signatures.. haha..

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