Tax Reform Final Push - All That You Need To Know

in #randpaul7 years ago

Here we are yet again. The GOP is closing in on a victory that hinges on the will of the moderate and openly anti-Trump GOP wing of the party. The severity of this situation is largely due to the Republican party holding a 52 to 48 majority in the Senate (razor thin). The last time we were in this position was back in July when John Mccain became the deciding no vote, killing the Obamacare Repeal bill effort. At the time the GOP was desperate for a major victory, it had been nearly half a year as a governing party without any major legislative victories, all while having been campaigning on repealing ObamaCare for over 7 years. Fast forward a few months into their term and the GOP is in dire straits. Multiple Senators are not running for re-election (likely because their views and demeanor are at odds with the rise of trump-ism in the GOP) and the Republican Party is desperate for a victory. This not running for re-election greatly reduces the incentive for them to stay true to principle since they only inhabit the position for a short amount of time, and are no longer beholden to the voters.


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