in #pastor8 years ago

A Pastor of a Pentecost Church in South Africa has claimed that it is easier for preacher men to have sex with girls in the Church than those who don't go to Church. Pastor Benard Pumalaka made the revelations last Wednesday after giving his life to Jesus. He claimed that a lot of the so called "Prophets" of nowadays were bad news where having sex with young girls and married women is concerned. "Before I became a Pastor, i had sex with only two women including my wife. But within 10 years of being a Prophet, I managed to sleep with over 200 women and I accumulated a lot of wealth". "I want to make this public, most of these preacher-men so called Prophets are womanizers and money loving. I was such a one with a lot of money, cars houses and everything a person who need in life. But I never had Jesus Christ in my heart", he said. "It is easier for a man of god to have sex with married women and young girls who come to Church than with those who don't congregate. It is easier for men of god to steal money from people who go to Church through tricks of "giving to God" than to trick those who don't go to church", he said. "No wonder you find more poverty people going to church than those who don't go. Pastors, Prophets, Bishops or any men of god use different tricks to get money from members. you find the man of God is very rich while members are poor"

"Majority of women come to Church not really to worship and thank God, but do so for prophecy, to be healed, to have children or to succeed materially in life. Unfortunately, we (Prophets) take advantage of this kind of desperation to sleep with them and steal money from them in the name of God", he disclosed. "I have decided to come out in open to save God in truth and spirit".

"It is hard to convince a woman or girl who does not go to Church to have sex with her than the one who does". Those who don't go to Church are almost beyond prophetic tricks, and all fake pastors and prophets know this". "The Bible says you will know them by their fruits, and am here to tell you that any prophet or indeed any person who is called man of God and preaches mostly on having riches, money, good healthy and prophecies is fake, but unfortunately these constitutes the majority and i was one of them", he said. "True men of God preach nothing but salvation; Jesus Christ, Simon Peter, Paul, Daniel , Isaac and thousands of men of God recorded in the Bible preached salvation not riches or any others. Miracles, prophecies or riches follow those who believe in Jesus and you don't need a person to tell you your name or phone number or indeed the place where u live for u to accept Jesus. Unfortunately many people especially women have fallen to the trick of the devil"

The repented Pastor also said nearly 95% of the so called Prophets are money lovers. "I can challenge you to show me a man who does love money yet he has the titled of a "prophet". That is impossible!". People seek spiritual powers from satanist to milk money from desperate people. The same Prophets use that money to commit evil acts". Instead of helping the need, the use money to buy expensive cars and build expensive houses and invest the remainder in their businesses.

The repented Pastor also claimed that 98% of people with the title of "Prophets" are fake, but just use satanic powers to pull people to their Church and deceive them to fulfill the scriptures which says "they will deceive many even the called ones".

The man who was ministering to a lot of Churches and had thousands of followers across the world decided to disclose what he used to do to win people to his Church, and has since decided to stop and follow Jesus."Its better for me to be poor on earth and go to heaven, than to be rich here and miss heaven", he said in front of thousands of members.

He has since promised to sell his properties and give money to the poor and to the Church.


Ohh my god....precher men to have sex with girls in the pentecost church in south Africa?...
And within 10 years of being, he managed to sleep with iver 200 womans?...
Ohh my god...i cant belive this.. thanks sharing this news @joshuaatiemo you have more different thinks in the world..i'm following you and read your every post...thank again.

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