The truth about the devil (evil)

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Throughout history we have lived moments and times of cruel and protracted wars, battles and subsequent invasions, in all of this there seems to be something hidden in the darkness that influence people to do evil more than any other thing, it seems to be true the warning of the Apostle Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 6:12), this verse explains the infested environment of evil in all the ends of the civilization.


An example of such a statement was the cruel and sadistic "Inquisition" and perverse methods of torture of Al Qaeda and the Islamic state, two ways of barbaric expression of the two most evil religions of the world whose acts are justified in the name of God, whether the Jewish God (or later) that the Christian God or muslim better known as Wing.

The devil is not a mythological, religious, nor the caricature of our imagination, is part of a just and comprehensive spiritual power, Christians know him as the one who leads a legion of pure spiritual hosts of wickedness that manifest within the absurd human behavior that goes beyond being a rebel, an anarchist, a thief or a common criminal, it is the manifestation of the perversity, the psychopathy, sadism, the perversion of our moral limits almost unimaginable and in all its breadth ....... These are the hosts of evil that the christian doctrine tries to prevent and warn, is pure evil we see in the current terrorism in the Middle East, the holy inquisition of the Catholic Church, in the perversity policy that you want to drag the world to another global war only this time with nuclear weapons.... which mankind seems to want to take the limits of wickedness to other unimaginable levels.


Illustrations of Parl Olofsson:

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