EA tried to kill/takeover Project Cars developer, steal their technology per their CEO
Interview with CEO of Slightly Mad Studios Ian Bell. EA discussion starts at 6h14m8s.
“We made a game called Need for Speed: Shift, we made a game called Shift 2 and EA came to me and said "We’ll give you 1.5 million if you agree not to talk to any other publisher, to agree any other games or work on any other arrangement with any other publisher. And we’ll give you 1.5 million and we’ll sign Shift 3".
So I said OK. That sounds like a good deal. I took the 1.5 million, I paid the guys, lots of bonuses, and two weeks before we were due to start Shift 3 it was cancelled. With no warning. They said:
"We are not doing that anymore.”
Ian Bell then claimed that EA tried to destroy the company, that they tried to fuck them over, and that they tried to steal their technology. “We were in trouble, we had nothing left. We were done. They literally destroyed our company. They tried to kill us, they tried to steal our technology as well. They tried to fck us over, there is no other way to put it. That’s what they tried to do. And we have no love for EA and this company.” Ian Bell concluded that EA’s guys are a**holes, that he has no respect for EA, that he’ll never make a deal with them again, that they are horrible human beings and that they are corporate monsters.