uber frakenfood
"We’re just a product of a biological attack"...I heard a person say this in passing as I was ordering my green tea from my favorite java (Oh I miss the taste of coffee) hole. I turned around to see this person having a bran muffin with cranberries saying to myself ...you might have just eaten your words…hopefully he’s not a type O…oh those nasty wheat lectins.... I’m amazed sometimes how as a species we survive the present world we live in. I was reading today that there is a link between MS and systemic lupus with the high consumption of diet drinks containing Aspartame. Monsanto…maker of Aspartame… must pay millions of dollars to keep the wraps on this type of info . Why pop drink (bad choice of a beverage as a whole) manufacturers do not just use Stevia(like in Japan)…a herb…to sweeten their drinks is beyond me but of course you can’t patent Stevia so hence no money to be made.
I feel sometimes that the modern evil conquerors of today are the food and drug companies who through creative marketing ploys and backdoor dealings with the FDA force these so called frakenfoods and “low fat substitutes” on the public not in the name of doing society good but for the almighty buck. Much like the Kingdoms of England, France and Spain did when they explored the America’s…. how so you ask. They did not come here to better the living standards of the Indians…they might of fooled them into thinking so….but they came to make their countries rich. There are great stories of conquest and battles but in the end most of the Indian’s of North America…. majority type 0…. died of disease…mostly smallpox… faster than they died from the sword. Diseases all introduced by the conquerors…and it’s happening today only we’re (am I responsible?) manufacturing them through “frankenfood”…. what is our fate as a human society? I’m optimistic because I think people, like myself, are fed up and if enough people are fed up…sales of “frankenfood” will stop (or at least slow down so they are taken of the shelf).
If you want to read an excellent book on the fate of human societies…pick up Guns, Germs, and Steel…The fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond…Its account of how the modern world was formed is full of lessons for our own future.
I'm going to have my green tea now....by for now!!