What is true relationship (About Love)

in #life7 years ago

Hi frnds
Everyone says that love means this ,that bla bla bla.......but from my side love means it's an awesome understanding between two people and best commitment of life long relationship .love doesn't need any restrictions and rules and regulations between two people.i think love should be in their hearts not in the chats and calls or etc etc..... Persons may be far but they're hearts always remain together . Love means that giving happiness to our soulmate .giving freedom and filing to sky and sharing of everything with each other that may be feelings, happiness ,good or bad etc etc... Aa true love always cares helps in any situations and stand by our side. when Ur in trouble and in any problem and they will say am ur side don't fear .love means having faith and trust on each other in any situation they trust each other and says am there for u .true love doesn't have any expectations it just gives but it will not expect anything from .once if we love aa person then reyalli we start loving their family and their taste and their responsibilities etc etc..... these all indicates aa true love .

But ,

     I think true love doesn't need to being together and showing to everyone that we r lovers .if love needs only physical touch then it is not love it's something other it's bad . nowadays every one is using love for their stupid feelings and spoiling the true love .even small children are saying that I love that girl or boy am feeling shamed to see these kind of generations now .few people will make some rules in relationship y is this needed in relation no I don't think so .some people in relationship they expect much from each other and if they don't reach their expectation they just move aa side wat is this . these all indicates aa fake love .

I just told my opinion about relationship .
Incase if I hurt anyone with my words am sry please accept my apologies.even u can tell me Ur openion abut my topic in comments section.
Tq .image_search_1511150310421.jpg


A true friendship never ends .......ur post is the best

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