Amazing 3D Stereoscopic Images - Jaguar, Arctic fox, Fuchs / (Animals). #00004

in #photography7 years ago



What a stereoscope, a stereoviewer and the Google cardboard have in common is they let you see 3D from a simple side-by-side stereoscopic image. But did you know it's also possible to see them in 3D without any equipment? Here is how you do it.


(1) First you see what looks like two identical images, side by side. Unlike the setup with cross-eye viewing, the right-eye image is on the right side and vice versa.
(2) Keep the image in the centre of your vision and perfectly horizontal.
(3) ​Now imagine you're watching the horizon, the ocean, behind the screen. Just make sure the images are small enough so you don't have to strain your eyes outwards.
(4) Move the focus to the screen, keeping the distant look, until a third image pops out between the two images, now in #3D.

Try these stereoscopic images.






  • It may take time to master the technique, but once you get it, it will only take seconds to focus and experience a crystal clear 3D image.
  • The image pair has to be quite small or far away. This is because you are staring straight forward and the right eye is looking at the right image and the left eye is looking at the left image.
  • If one image seems to be above or below the other one, try to tilt your head a little bit to make sure the image is aligned with your eyes (horizontal).
  • Try to avoid a glare on your screen.
  • Most people can do this but it's not for everyone. For example, impaired vision on one eye might might decrease the 3D effect.


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