12 Reasons why younger women like dating older men

in #life6 years ago

As much as it is a taboo, it is no secret that women prefer dating older men over their younger counterparts. Here is a list of 12 reasons why.

1. They Don't Play Mind Games
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Now, this is not to say they are boring. They can be witty and interesting as hell. Just that their idea of fun does not include sitting in front of their phone and not picking up their woman's calls.

2. They Have Old-World Charm
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Not many women fancy the idea of hearing a "Heyyy whaddupp babesss" on their first date. Whether it is pulling chairs, getting flowers, or simply giving a peck on the cheek instead of shoving your tongue down her throat, nothing melts a woman's heart more than keeping things old school.

3. They know what they are doing in bed
Older men believe in ladies first – and often work towards that.

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The goal isn't to get one orgasm out of her and then have sex. Oh no. While they're getting her hot and bothered during foreplay, they're working hard for her orgasms — plural. They see it as a source of pride when they can cause big, badass orgasms that leave you shaking and weak. It's always a good night when she loses count of her orgasms. Just sayin'.

4. They are smarter and wiser
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With all those years in their system, they have to got to be smarter than their younger counterparts busy guzzling pint after pint of beer. Let's face it, boys, older men are wiser and more mature. People are silly when they are young. And women don't like waiting for the boys to grow up.

5. They don't try to change a woman
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While everyone likes a stylish and pretty woman, older men don't beat themselves too much over a girl's nail polish or that single strand of white hair. They are more concerned with what lies inside, and are more accepting of a woman's imperfections. Unlike younger boys, they don't attempt to change the woman they fall in love with. They are not judgmental, period.

6.They take charge
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Older men often hold an image of authority in a woman's mind. Whether it's deciding which place to eat in, or booking that holiday package, they know when to take charge, and do it without being overbearing. Now it is a truth universally acknowledged that women tend to date daddy figures. Somebody who reminds them of their fathers, and assures them (if only subconsciously) of a protected and safe environment. The unsaid promise that they will be there in times of trouble is enough to make a woman's heart melt for them.

7. They aren't broke
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The older men are well established in their careers; they are financially more stable, and the promise of a calmer life is something no woman can say no to. It might come across as shallow, but women looking to settle down often tend to go for the nice guy with a stable job and a house.

8. They aren't only about trophies
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Older men are more secure in their skin. They have been there, done that. They have picked up girls in bars; they have made out with their girlfriends secretly in cars. The world is no longer their oyster. They don't need to brag to their guy friends about the chicks they have bedded. They just want to spend a calm evening with their woman. And nothing is more comforting for a woman than a guy who has eyes only for her.

9. They are much more honest
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Whether it's casual dating or a serious relationship, they know what they want from a woman and express it without beating around the bush, and they can do so without sounding blunt either. Women appreciate honesty any day.

10. They have sophisticated taste
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When it comes to the finer things in life like wine, food, beer, traveling and clothes, older men tend to choose the more sophisticated ones. First, they can afford it and second they just know that it is better quality. They also know, however, that when it comes to food and drinks quality does not always come with a price.

11. They are good in the kitchen
(Source: Pinterest)
Women find it very sexy when a man knows how to cook and not just a simple dish like boiled potatoes and fried eggs. Real food. Dishes like beef bourguignon and potato au gratin and stuff like that. Older men can cook and fend for themselves. Younger guys are either all over the place or always rely on their mothers to cook for them and take care of all their needs.

12. They are generally very respectful
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They may have already loved and lost, been through a divorce or even have children from a previous relationship meaning they are more respectful and understanding of ex's. He will be open to any contact made with them as he would expect her to do the same. They are just generally very open to people.

Original post- https://ia.meaww.com/read/relationships/12-reasons-why-younger-women-like-dating-older-men/twv?utm_source=twv&utm_medium=5981&utm_campaign=influencer

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amazimg post i like that thanks for share that i read all reasons its all right

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