The Outing of the Soros Has Begun

in #politics7 years ago

Billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is losing ground in Eastern Europe and now Israel. This is just the beginning of the push back against his open-borders agenda.

From my latest at

But, things are changing. Israel came to Orban’s defense of by simply telling the truth about Soros. And at that point, no longer can he hide behind anti-Semitism and claim the moral high ground.

Because if the Jewish State is calling you out then that’s pretty much the end of that argument.

For this purveyor of global butchery who openly admits to having a god-complex to claim the moral high ground from anyone not named Hillary Clinton is an act of hubris so disgusting dogs will want to roll in it.

The clincher for me, however, is this report from Zerohedge outlining just how deep the Soros tentacles are embedded in Italy. Italy is the the vanguard of Soros’ European invasion and the hammer his co-conspirator in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, uses to beat her Eastern European opponents over the head with.

It paints a picture of a vast network of private agencies that have all aspects of the narrative covered, from press suppression to legislative lobbying to port access. And the main way to stop their proliferation is to force their finances out into the open.

For Steemian Eyes Only

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Budapest meeting with the leaders of the Visigrad Four -- Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland -- and started off by blasting the EU on a hot mike (and by extension Soros who coordinates policy with Angela Merkel). This is accelerating.

With the farrago surrounding the repeal of Obamacare that has transpired in the last 24 hours, it’s obvious that there is a lot of changes occurring that point to a real health crisis for Senator John McCain.

Without James Comey running interference at the FBI and McCain blocking all reform in the Senate, it’s beginning to feel like the opposition wall is breaking. The usual thing for Soros to do after a round of bad press or things not to go his way policy-wise is to write an awful op-ed piece for the Financial Times.

Let’s start the countdown shall we?


I hope you are right.

The wall is crumbling, but patience is needed. To overreach at this point could easily backfire. It's not unlike the war of attrition being played by Putin. It will fail under its own weight given enough time.

Absolutely, got it in one. Let things play themselves out and let some of these people hang themselves with their own rope. A push here and there is all that is needed because so many people are getting red-pilled now.

Interesting how you link up McCain and Comey into this.

I know McCain is a Soros sycophant. I hope you're right in your analysis. Soros and his evil network definitely need to be taken down.

It's all connected. Watch the changes that take place once they admit that McCain has brain cancer and will have to leave the Senate.

Hopefully we will see less obstruction and stonewalling, and more justice.

I'd love to see big name arrests, so I hope you're right.


This is great news @goldgoatsnguns!

The only, terribly minor, point of disagreement I would have is with the way you worded your statement

claim the moral high ground from anyone not named Hillary Clinton

as I think she's been Soros' puppet all along.

I think they are partners... but, I'm not going to quibble.

He who has the Gold, makes the rules.

I hope The likes Of Soros and his evil partners such as Hilliary will all fade away or die . Either way Good riddance to their evil corrupt ways

Finally somebody in Israel recognized that if you don't condemn an evil person who claims to be a member of your tribe, that your tribe will be linked to that evil person. The Jewish holocaust was 75 years ago, it wasn't the first, wasn't the last and I'm sure that there will be more. If they want to reduce antisemitism, condemn Jews who are trying to wreak other countries.

A Moroccan co-worker told me that Morocco has a policy that if one of their citizens get deported, they confiscate their passport; and they will never be allowed to leave the country again. They don't want their bad actors ruining their name abroad.

And for what it's worth, I condemn our actions (state), and by other Americans in other countries to invade, destabilize, and otherwise reduce the health and prosperity of people in the name of the US.

It sounds like we have some similar interests. Followed.

Fingers crossed...

Be good to see the back of that piece of sc#m ...

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