Donate Now

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Real people. Real problems. Real impact.

The Water Project invests in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa.

Providing access to clean, safe water helps capable and determined people realize the hope they have for their own futures.

The Water Project works closely with local in-country teams and partners to develop clean water programs alongside these heroes. We carefully select implementing partners who have long term relationships and commitments to the people they serve.

We’re passionate about unlocking potential. After all, water doesn’t change anything; the people we serve do.

Every water project is unique. So is every report we send about a donation's impact.

Day One
Tracking Info

You'll receive an email donation receipt with a Project Tracking Link. This is the invitation to see your water project come to life. We'll explain all the steps you can expect.

The next 2-6 Months
Community Engagement

You'll get your first email update alerting you to the work being done to prepare the community for their water project. They'll be more detail to explore. Community locations and initial photos will bring you close.

Within 6-8 months
Construction Begins

Your next email alert will link to photos, maps and introductory stories about the people you're serving and will help you understand your impact! These are all specific to the actual project you funded. Work will have begun on the water point.

Within 8-12 months
Project Launch

With construction complete, you'll get another alert that life is changing for the folks you've helped! You'll get another round of photos (and sometimes videos), this time of folks using their new water source.
It's celebration time!

On into the future...
Monitoring and Resolution

We are 100% committed to keeping the promise of water flowing in every community we serve. We will post every update we receive about your project, right to your page, for years to come as we continually check-in and resolve any problems that arise

All along the way
Program Updates

If you sign up for our newsletter (just check the box during checkout) we'll keep you informed with stories from sites surrounding the one you funded and across our programs. Your project is part of a larger good and you don't want to miss hearing about it all!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66161.28
ETH 3556.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.14