Lyrics from Alan: Stalker (featuring @awgbibb as author)

in #lyrics8 years ago (edited)

Definition of a Stalker

Having been used since at least the 16th century to refer to a prowler or a poacher (Oxford English Dictionary), the term stalker began to be used by the media in the 20th century to describe people who pester and harass others, initially with specific reference to the harassment of celebrities by strangers who were described as being "obsessed". This use of the word appears to have been coined by the tabloid press in the United States. As time went by, the meaning of stalking changed and incorporated individuals being harassed by their former partners. Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching and/or harassing of another person. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time.

I have always been fascinated with Horror Movies, Various Mythical Creatures Vampires etc, but true horror occurs with people that seem normal but certain cranial fittings do not seem to fit as they should.

Big Problem is that to these people their behaviour appears perfectly normal.

I was always good with poetry ,and with my interest in music soon adapted to telling stories with Lyrics. Have been a member of a number bands and have performed a number of my creations. A lot more have done nothing with them.


I'm the dark shadow in the corner of your eye
The one across the road wearing the bow-tie
the stealthy whisperer trying so hard to pry
Slowly slipping closer with no fairy-tale to die

I'm the nightmare wakes you in a cold,cold sweat
the phone that stops ringing when you get it set
the tap that's slowly dripping but nothing is wet
you cant concentrate, your mental Russian roulette

Hear my quiet steps behind you don't turn around
Impending disaster like a ship that's run aground
Shuffling, snuffling,Scream but there's no sound
The icy clasp around your heart rooted in the ground


I'm your Stalker
There is no escape
I'm your Stalker
no Superman in a cape
I'm your Stalker
There is only me
I'm your Stalker(From me)
You'll never be free

Bridge (go soft till last line)

You were mine
from the first time I saw you
you don't understand
That I need you the most
your other admirers
they just want to bore you,
but I'll be the one
that turns you to a ghost

Feel that inside crawling ,I'm under your skin
I wont up and disappear this is no sudden whim
I'm not really a romantic , I'm no Errol Flynn
I'm your deadly daydream I'm no mannequin


Exactly! \ (•◡•) /

As always, love you Alan (like my dad ;) )

I assume then that your Dad likes creepy stuff?, always test these Lyrics on my Daughter! (FG)

He does, and so do I!

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