Review: Dr. Strange
Cool Effects, Shitty Acting, and Completely Racial
A Maybe,…If You’re a Fan
Like most comic book movies that debut a character, “Dr. Strange” is an origin story. I’ve never been a fan of Dr. Strange and do not know his origin or very much about him. Strange is a doctor, a great brain surgeon in fact. He comes off as an arrogant and prissy Bruce Wayne. Unlike Wayne, he is out for the glory. Fittingly as Strange goes off to a fancy affair that will honor him, he gets into a car accident. The accident leaves his hands nearly useless.
As Strange goes through rehabilitation with his BLACK therapist whom he talks down to, the NEGRO inspires him with a story. You see, the BLACK therapist had a LATINX patient who miraculously healed. Strange finds the LATINX and the LATINX knows him. The Doctor actually turned LATINX away because he was too good for the LATINX. The BEANER does indeed though tell Strange where to go to heal, in India or some hell hole.
Strange uses his last monies to go to India, wanders around and gets robbed by three men. One of those robbers is actually WHITE. A WHITE robber in India beats and robs Dr. Strange in India.
No worries guys, one of Strange’s future and wise allies, a MAGIC NEGRO helps him. The MAGIC NEGRO is actually a very fair and cautious man throughout the movie and a mentor to Strange. The MAGIC NEGRO makes DR. Strange really, getting the Doctor into the magic club. I’m not sure if there was another WHITE in the whole magic club. The club did have a ton of ASIANS though.
When Strange meets the Master Magician, Sorcerer Supreme, he commits a micro aggression like only a WHITE MAN can, assuming and greeting a very dignified ASIAN man. The kicker in this scenario and what really made Strange an ass was that much to his embarrassment, the Sorcerer Supreme is a bald headed WHITE WOMAN coming to greet him with tea. She has a great Dykish smile.
At this point I was all, shit us WHITE MEN really fucked up, why can’t I be from the East.
The movie up to this point was really rough. It’s faggotty, 100%.
I forgot to mention that Strange does have an on again off again WHITE FEMALE lover but, they are too dysfunctional to actually love each other. The WHITE FEMALE does save Strange’s life though.
The villain of the movie is an EVIL POWER HUNGRY WHITE MALE. You see him in the beginning murdering.
The action and the story in the second section of the movie is a lot better. There are even a few interesting and unique mythological ideas or lore points.
Anyway, half the movie is a cucked and faggotty yet well off WHITE MAN being helped and taught magic by MINORITIES. The other half of the movie is some pretty good action in a well crafted atmosphere. Then, in closing, there is a twist and a turn and Strange bests not only the EVIL WHITE MAN but some kind of great demigod of another realm.
The closing dialogue of the movie pits the MAGIC NEGRO against Strange regarding the methods employed to gain victory over the potentially world ending threats. The MAGIC NEGRO, too good for Strange skulks off.
While MINORITIES WERE THE REAL HEROS of this movie, I have a feeling that the MAGIC NEGRO will be back in “Dr. Strange 2” to really show audiences that MAGIC NEGROS and ALL MINORITIES ARE THE REAL HEROES again.