Trump can not begin to fight reckless nuclearsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trump7 years ago


Air Force Chief John Highten, the top US commander on nuclear, told that US President Donald Trump has ordered 'illegal' attacks in a country if it had ordered a nuclear weapon.

In a speech at the Halifax International Security Forum held in Canada as head of the US Strategic Command, Hightane said in a speech. This makes Trump the reason for the start of reckless nuclear war.

Highten said he has advised the president about the nuclear attack and hoped that its legitimate alternatives will be found.

The Haiten commented on the issue within a few days of a debate in a US Senate about whether a president can order a nuclear attack, said the BBC.

Some Senators fear that the fight against Pyongyang with President Donald Trump has taken the situation to extreme level and Trump can order a nuclear attack like the irresponsible.

However, in the opinion of others, the president should have the power to give such instructions without talking to the lawmakers.

In the last 40 years, this is the first US Senate debate on such an issue.

In August, Trump said that when he became a threat to the United States, he would "fire down the fire" over North Korea.

"We have to think a lot about it," Highten said. When you have such responsibilities, how can you not think about it? "

Last month Senator Bob Corker, Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, raised the finger of complaint against Trump, saying that the president "is pushing the United States towards Third World War".

General Highten said, "I will advise the president and he will tell me about his decision.

"If you make an illegal order, you have to go to prison. You may have to spend the rest of your life in prison. "

Till now, Trump has not said anything public about this commentary about Haiten.


nice post

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