King of Aceh

in #history7 years ago


Sultan Iskandar Muda was the most influential king of the Kingdom of Aceh. He was born in Aceh in 1593. His first name is Mighty Nature. On the mother's side, Sultan Iskandar Muda is a descendant of King Darul-Kamal, while on the father's side he is descended from Raja Makota Alam. His mother was named Putri Raja Indra Bangsa, or another name Paduka Shah Alam, who was the son of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah, the 10th Sultan of Aceh. Putri Raja Indra Bangsa married Sultan Mansyur Syah, son of Sultan Abdul Jalil (who is the son of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah al-Kahhar, the 3rd Sultan of Aceh). So, actually the father and mother of Sultan Iskandar Muda are equally heirs of the kingdom. Sultan Iskandar Muda married a daughter of the Pahang Sultanate, better known as Putroe Phang. From the results of this marriage, Sultan Iskandar Muda blessed with two children, namely Meurah Pupok and Princess Safiah. The journey of Sultan Iskandar Muda to Johor and Melaka in 1612 stopped at a Tajung (meeting of Asahan and Silau river) to meet King Simargolang. Sultan Iskandar Muda eventually married one of the princesses of King Simargolang who later blessed with a son named Abdul Jalil (who was crowned as Sultan Asahan.

Sultan Iskandar Muda began to occupy the throne of the Kingdom of Aceh at a fairly young age (14 years). He reigned in the kingdom of Aceh between 1607 and 1636, or just for 29 years. When he began to assume the post of king became a debate among historians. However, referring to Bustan al-Salatin, he was declared sultan on 6 Dzulhijah 1015 H or around early April 1607. The reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda is known as the most glorious period in the history of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. He is known to be very skilled in building the Kingdom of Aceh into a powerful kingdom, great, and not only respected by other kingdoms in the archipelago, but also by the outside world. In its reign, the Kingdom of Aceh belongs to the five largest kingdoms in the world.

The main step taken by Sultan Iskandar Muda to strengthen the kingdom is to build an army that is generally in content with young soldiers. Sultan Iskandar Muda once conquered Deli, Johor, Bintan, Pahang, Kedah, and Nias from 1612 to 1625. Sultan Iskandar Muda is also very concerned about the order and rules of the royal economy. In the royal territory there is a transit bandar (Kutaraja, now better known as Banda Aceh) which is so strategic that it can connect the royal trade wheel with the outside world, especially the West. Thus, of course the kingdom's economy is very helpful and increased sharply.

In the economic field, Sultan Iskandar Muda applying the baitulmal system. He has also made trade reforms with the policy of raising export tax to improve the fate of his people. In his time, had also built channels from the river to the sea that reaches eleven kilometers long. The development of the channel is intended to irrigate the rice fields of the population, as well as the water supply for people's lives in the kingdom.

Sultan Iskandar Muda is known to have very good relations with Europe. It is said that he had established good communication with England, Holland, France and Turkey Ustmaniyah. For example, in the 16th century Sultan Iskandar Muda once established a harmonious communication with the British Empire at that time held by Queen Elizabeth 1. Through his messenger, Sir James Lancester, Queen Elizabeth 1 began the contents of a letter conveyed to Sultan Iskandar Muda with the sentence : To Brother Servant, King of Aceh Darussalam . The Sultan then replied with the following sentence: I am the mighty ruler of the religions below the wind, who holds the way of the land of Sumatra and over the land tributary to Aceh, which stretch from the sunrise to the sunset (Hambalah the mighty ruler of the countries under the wind, collected on the soil of Aceh and on the land of Sumatra and over all the areas subject to Aceh, stretching from the horizon of sunrise to sunset).

During his reign, there were a number of great scholars. Among them are Syiah Kuala as a great mufti in the Kingdom of Aceh during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda. The relationship of both is as rulers and scholars who complement each other's journey of governance. The relationship is likened: Adat bak Peutu Mereuhum, syarak bak Shi in Kuala (custom under the authority of Sultan Iskandar Muda, religious life under the decision of Mr. Syiah Kuala). Sultan Iskandar Muda also strongly trusted other very famous scholars at the time, namely Sheikh Hamzah Fanshuri and Sheikh Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani. Both of these scholars also influenced the Sultan's policy a great deal. The two are the greatest writers in the history of the archipelago.

Sultan Iskandar Muda died in Aceh on December 27, 1636, at a fairly young age of 43 years. Since his son was not alive, the throne of his power was then held by his son-in-law, Sultan Iskandar Tani (1636-1641). After Sultan Iskandar Tani died the throne of the kingdom then held widow Iskandar Tani, namely Sultanah Tajul Alam Syafiatudin Shah or Puteri Safiah (1641-1675), who is also the daughter of Sultan Iskandar Muda.

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