Kim Kardashian posts new nude snap

in #magazine7 years ago

 Kim Kardashian has been busted for copying Beyonce's Flaunt magazine photo shoot from 2013.But that did not stop the 37-year-old reality TV diva from adding more images from the nude glitter setup that she is using to promote her new KKW Beauty Ultralight Beams highlighters and glosses.Included in the photos posted online was a behind-the-scenes selfie from the shoot that showed the star naked from the waist up.In her captions Mrs Kanye West did not address her copycat move but rather noted that the entire collection could be bought for a whopping $160.

 More of this: Kim Kardashian posted another shot from her nude glitter shoot on Wednesday even though she had been busted for copying Beyonce

 Kim was completely nude with gold glitter all over her body as she posed against a silver surface.The pinup's face was fully made up and her hair was pulled back.In Beyonce's image, she has gold glitter all over her naked body too as she poses with a silver surface behind her. And she also has a ton of makeup on with hair pulled back.It looks as if Kim was inspired by Beyonce's shoot.

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