Success nugget for today

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Success Nuggets with Provider Gumbo; An international Certified Life Coach and Personal Development Consultant.

"Sailing through adversity towards the shores of victory."

Life is a journey through the stormy waves of trials and tribulations towards the shores of a victorious destiny ahead of you. This means that the challenges you encounter in your life journey doesn't entail a dead end for you in your quest for greatness and significance. Rather it's an opportunity to horn your sailing skills which will enable you to surf or ride on the waves of adversity till you reach your envisioned greatness and significance shores.

Realise that the depth of affliction you go through determines the height of success ahead of you; if you handle adversity with optimism. Mike Murdock is of the notion that the problems you solve decides the rewards you reap. Hence, it's better to pay the hussle price of ascending to the mountain top than having the comfort of remaining in the valley.

Adversity is the tool that God uses to promote you and catapult you to His glorious destiny for you. This is why David saw Goliath as the key to unlock increase and promotion into his life. Thus, he inquired of the reward on offer for one who would conquer Goliath for the lsraelite nation. Thus, Apostle Paul implores us to flourish in adversity as the momentary afflictions we encounter in life works in us a great weight of glory that far outweighs them in duration and immense value.

The fire that was meant to consume Shadrech, Mishek and Abedinigo became the pedestal to thrust them ahead to timeless significance. Since, in the aftermath of being rescued from the consuming fire they were promoted to be senior state officials in Babylon, a foreign land they were enslaved.

Likewise, when you encounter adversity in life advance towards rather than retreat from your envisioned glorious destiny to achieve greatness. For people who shrink back from adversity never get far in life but remain entrapped in murky waters of insignificance. Only those who; like eagles, use the storms of life to draw strength of character and wisdom from them to soar to greater heights of success and affluence.

Take home success gem.

Great men in all arenas of life often came from great adversity. So embrace and use adversity to your advantage to be a success you are destined to be.

Success Nugget for the day.

"It's better to pay the high hussle price of ascending to the mountain top than having the comfort of remaining in the valley." Provider Gumbo(MOGI)

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