. The one major factor that separates the most successful people from the rest begins with a single thought. This single thought, if cultivated grows over time into the empowering habit of thinking big that eventually takes over this person’s psychology, and propels them towards the achievement of their goals and objectives. Ordinary people only dream about what they can achieve. By this means of action, they can never carry out extraordinary tasks.
We must keep in mind that over years this single thought may be analyzed, criticized and condemned by others. People may believe that this thought is impossible and unimaginable. But then, this thought must overcome great obstacles, setbacks and difficulties before it can realize its full potential. This thought understands that in order to grow BIG and expand, that it must accept the harsh realities of life and respond by growing long and strong roots that will support its tremendous weight as it stretches towards the sky. The most common issues with goal achievement is the word impossible. Most people get hung up thinking they can’t accomplish certain goals because they think it’s way too impossible to be done and at such they feel no one is capable of carrying out such task. Well, should everyone had such mindset, there’d be no inventions and innovations in human accomplishment .if you told someone a hundred years ago that it was possible for man to be on the moon, they’d laugh at you in unbelief. But through desire and perseverance a dreamer made this impossibility a reality.
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Thomas Edison once mentioned that “the genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. This is 100% so true. One must be dedicated, hard working and disciplined to get the best out of his or her dreams.
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If you are reading this article, then dream on!, think big! Don’t allow you limitations become a hindrance. Work hard to attain success as you step up the ladder of progress, you’ll see the impossible become possible. THINK BIG!
Nice piece