You are the creators of your reality

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Reality is the biggest misconception. This is the fact. This is the first lesson you have to learn to be able to start creating your own reality. We've been taught wrong and for years we were thinking incorrectly.

Realists are standing firmly on the ground. Aren't carried away by the idea that everything will be good, neither do they see everything in a negative way. They believe that they see the things the way they are. This is partly true, but in the other sense, completely wrong. For you to realize, how is that possible, it is important to understand what is reality. It is time to forget everything you've believed that reality is so far. Open yourself to another completely different possibility.

Reality is transformable. We all are real in our own reality. Why? Every day we create our reality and witness our creations. You are the one who creates reality anew, and in the same time you think that it is the way it is. It's not! Reality would change if you would change your way of looking and thinking.

If thoughts create, then your reality is equal to you thoughts so far. Yours and mine reality don't have to be the same at all. And probably aren't. Your reality shows who you are, how you think about money, people, health, love, relationships. You live in a reality that you created. Do you want a different reality? Change your story. Change your thoughts. Change your vibration and you will witness completely different reality. Why do people have a feeling that reality is permanent? Everyday they are creating the same reality.

If in your reality, you witness a lack of money, it means that every day you are affirming that you don't have money. Watching the news about how there is no money, talking to people who don't have it, thinking about the money shortage, therefore creating the same reality over and over again. If you are without a partner, listen to what you are talking about love, men and women. Every day you create exactly what you are talking about and then witness it in your reality.

Your life is a reflection of your thoughts, and reality is their creation. I live in the same country as some of you, but I witness a completely different reality. Why? I've changed the outlook on life. First of all, I've realized absurdity of watching news. If you are watching CNN or reading newspapers it's a sure thing that your reality will be ugly. And your day will be full of negative events. The media goal is to scare you. Fear is excellent medium for ruling over people. Government knows, if you hear that one person didn't see their paycheck for 6 months, your 2 months without paycheck will seem like a great thing! They want to convince you that there are worse examples then yours.

What is the point of watching the car accident reconstructions? Why would you look at an accident in a foreign country where 10 people died?

The universe doesn't know if you are watching the accident on TV or you're witnessing it live. You start thinking about pictures of the accident, thoughts induce emotions which vibrate and attract. That's how you create reality. Don't read stories that will produce negative emotions in you. Stop, for your own good. Look at the headline and move on. This first step is important.

Choose what you will watch, read and talk about with people. When you understand how the reality is created, you'll know that you create it in every moment with your vibration. That's why you will be careful about how you vibrate.

If media decided to show only good news (which do exist) for a week, you'd have a feeling that entirely new era has come. World would seem like a beautiful place to live in.

When you take the responsibility for your own life, things start to change. Stop telling stories that so far didn't bring you no good. Start telling new stories, dare to, and slowly you will witness changes. Now that we defined what is reality and have understood that it is transformable, it's time for one more cognition.

Reality in which you live now, you've created in the past. You created it yesterday, a week ago, a month ago or a year. Reality is the creation of past thoughts. Meaning, today you are creating tomorrow's reality.

It is important that you understand this. If you are not fond of your current reality, change focus. Reality is created by focus and thoughts.

Ignore reality if it doesn't serve for your wellbeing. Ignore the things you don't like. The target of our focus is the thing that grows. The matters you ignore, disappear from your reality.

Try this little test: consciously direct your focus, for example on pregnant women, redheads, yellow roses, certain type of cars, a song etc. Observe how, every day, object of your attention is appearing in your reality. Let it serve as a proof that focus creates and attracts.

Consciously choose thoughts that you benefit from. Up until now you've created your life unknowingly. It is time to become conscious creator. That's why it is important to be in the moment. It is important to be aware of everything you say and think. Leave the era of negative affirmations behind you.

Change your thoughts, your story and focus,and consequently you will change your reality.

For more awesome images check this guy: The Psychedelic Maniac

Thank you for reading.


I like this art, particularly the tent book. Is it original?

The Psychedelic Maniac deserves the credit.
It is mentioned in the end of the post =>
Awesome pictures.

Wow. powerful read. This was much needed today after the post I just wrote! creating your reality is so important. Choosing thoughts that benefit you, instead of the negative talk we are all so used to. Thank you for sharing.

I've always believed our will power is the strongest force in "our" universe! Great post, thank you for sharing.

Interesting and love the artwork.

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