Earning cryptocurrency has never been this easy

in #airdrop6 years ago


3 Earndrops
are currently underway and have contributed a fixed amount of coins and/or tokens to claim as a reward. Each active earndrop opportunity has its own set of unique and customizable challenges, or as we call them "stakes". Completing the specific assigned tasks will reward the participant.

25819 Supporters
are passionate about their favourite blockchain and/or token project. As these Supporters work through the specific stake assignments, they are rewarded for their hard work and support of their favourite project.

4.320.000 tokens$1.096.034 417 tokens per supporter$52.25
are currently available to supporters from around the globe. Supporters supporting their favourite projects have completed a variety of specific tasks and in total, across all blockchain and token platforms. Get rewarded today, earn your favourite token.

What is Earndrop?
Earndrop, the first of its kind, was created and designed by Earndrop. It is a revolutionary and unique new way of earning cryptocurrency. Earndrop allows the cryptocurrency enthusiast the opportunity to earn rewards while participating and supporting their favourite project. Imagine the possibilities.

Participants earn rewards by completing established and selected "stakes" which were carefully chosen by the blockchain and/or token project. These stakes when completed reward the participant with weighted rewards based on the assigned "stake". Incredible opportunities await you.

Earndrop is particularly beneficial for blockchain and token projects. When you choose Earndrop over other token distribution platforms, you immediately gain a market advantage over the competition.
Earndrop is hassle and worry free, in the sense that AML/KYC regulations are not applicable. Partnered with this incredible benefit, participants in your Earndrop campaign complete tasks which you’ve selected and are rewarded how you want them to be rewarded.

Beta version
Earndrop is currently released as a beta version for testing purposes. As a result, it is possible that a number of errors will occur during your experience. We therefore ask for your understanding and don't hesitate to contact us if you do experience an error. All Earndrops are official Earndrops and will reward the real tokens.

At Earndrop we are constantly developing to improve the application. So together with your feedback we can release a solid application in the future.

Register airdrop 👇

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62890.35
ETH 2544.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.94