A Glimpse At The Future: How An Apocalypse Could be peaceful and lead to a smooth transition to the Golden age

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

61,685 Days from Now
There is a future, and seeing as I am from the future I want to remember how it is. I want to reassure myself that it is going to be ok, that these times are the growing pains of a better world that is yet to be born. Sometimes I do lose hope that we can ever rise above this craziness. Then when that happens I have to remember that although right now, here in this impatient moment things are pretty terrible, we have actually come so far in so short a time, and that with a little more time we are really going somewhere much more wonderful. It is inevitable. It is going to happen. It has to happen because even if the whistleblowers don’t save us, something else will. Mother nature will save us if we don’t save ourselves. It’s the year 2185. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there are 25 billion people harmoniously inhabiting the planet. Earth is stable and sustainable with all aspects of growth, supply, demand, production and utilization of resources and energy production controlled by networks that are all connected and in tune with the planets biorhythms. There is no money and there is no central control of any one land mass by any single person or group of persons. Free and unlimited energy feeds everyone’s needs from tiny, silent, powerful P-Hubs that are built into every device and system that needs power. There is no power grid, there are no factories, there is no pollution. Borders were nullified in 2100 after the great quake, when things shifted so much that it was too difficult to reconcile what used to be our continents and countries. As the systems that held us back eroded, true progress happened. It took a natural disaster, but it worked. Once the borders that we were used to had totally moved around, no one knew who controlled what anymore. Rather than fight it, our world leaders and armies just seemed to disappear. They just vanished and we were left to figure it all out ourselves. And that we did. At the time Google, as it was called then, had amassed enough statistical data to understand the exact needs of people and the way to truly understand our planet and it’s needs. Google, or Synergy as its now known really stepped in, and brought us all together. It turns out they were already ready for this and knew it was coming before anyone else did. They had known for two decades that the great quake was coming, and that aided by the sea level rises, was going to cause every continent and almost every country to move 100’s and even 1000’s of miles. They were ready and just waited for the big event. Once it happened they kept the Internet going with their Skynet systems, and they gave it to everyone for free, to help us to rebuild our world. They had billions of power systems that they gave to everyone to get the world going again. They had secretly built untold billions of matter makers that people could use to make whatever they needed with almost no materials. Many thought Synergy had been hiding their money for so many years and stockpiling it. It was estimated they had 800 trillion dollars somewhere, but instead they had been using it to prepare for the great change.

Synergy promoted true progress and invention without the limits of the corporate system that had held it back for so long. People were suddenly thrust into true creativeness, not for money but for the betterment of themselves and the entire world. The speed of progress was astonishing. We figured out how to make power from a 2 inch device that required no input of anything for up to 500 years. It could make untold and almost infinite amounts of energy. We discovered that 12 people already knew how to do this but were too afraid to disclose it due to threats and intimidation from the power companies. Once they were brought together it took no time to manifest enough power for everyone, and I mean everyone. The world went from being a dominated fearful and vulnerable place, almost overnight, to becoming a beacon of hope and motivation. Rather than great poverty and worldwide famine and destruction, the great quake brought about the fastest and most harmonious change we could have ever imagined. Once people had their own matter makers and P-hubs, which took just 1 month from the day of the quake, they could already live better lives than they had been living for generations. Synergy were already shipping products to every corner of the earth and had global transport systems already in place to distribute materials. Around 90% of the people were given all they needed to live in a heartbeat. Synergy coordinated everything from people to power, to, .. everything! They directed every person who was ready to do something. They seemed to know who was needed, and for what job, and where to send them. People just declared their interest and then Synergy literally took them where they needed to be with an automated vehicle and showed them what to do. It was all fully automated and driven by ingenious programs that were dedicated to ‘response and repair’ as they called it. And nearly everyone wanted to do something! There was a new feeling that emerged very quickly, and everyone wanted to do something positive.

It took a little longer to resolve the housing crisis, as well as the food and water crisis that had already taken hold of the world. With unlimited power, we had unlimited water from the sea and air. Synergy had these fantastic machines that could be placed in an empty piece of land and would generate 1,000 totally self-sufficient homes in one day. They had millions of these things and they churned out beautiful self sufficient homes at a rate that even Synergy was astonished by. These homes were collaborative micro communities that 50-100 families lived in. They grew their own food and protein and were eating and living totally independently within one month. It took Synergy just 9 months to rehouse the entire population of earth. Even those who already had their own houses moved into the Synergy Homes as they were so comfortable and nice to live in. People also found they were able to get along so much better in these micro communities, without any of the worries and troubles that they had before.

It took about 10 years to reverse the devastation caused by decades of uninterrupted abuse that the earth had sustained during the tech age. Synergy pooled together the greatest minds, and fed their ideas into their quantum machines. These machines seemed to know more than any being could know. They had sensor inputs from every part of the globe and beyond. These machines knew every inch of the planet in real time and what was going on. They used these great minds and great machines to figure out how to reverse the many problems that we had. The seas were restocked with fish and we learned to eat protein made from other things than animals. Synergy created the systems and measures needed to run our world better than we can ever have imagined, with no need for debate or deliberations.

Prisons were closed down and everyone was simply released and given their own home as everyone else was. People who owned massive amounts of land no longer protected their boundaries, and those who were part of the system and governments seemed to just vanish. No one knew where they went. No one worked for the sake of working. There was no point in it. There was nothing to work for. We learned as a culture to start living. Who can say what people did all day, but the days seemed to pass well! Passing time is a great enjoyment. The creative arts became a great source of happiness for many people. We learned to spend our time being playful, artful, and also musical. There seemed to be a never ending supply of amazing entertainment and talent wherever we went. There always seemed to be a show or a festival of some sort going on. The scientists also seemed to have a new lease of life. Their whole outlook changed and they started finding ways to truly make things better rather than constantly patching problems up. In 2160 the last case of cancer was recorded. Now when we get ill we rarely need a doctor, we know what to do and almost never need medication. If we do we just use our matter makers and we are always well taken care of. When we have small accidents our doctors come to our homes and heal us right there. We all have health spaces and a place to recuperate. It seems that nothing we were doing was right before the quake. Who would have every thought life could be this simple and so joyful.

To Be Continued....


Hi, best friend. you forgot me. I give flag you a present for in the life.
Luck bad for your whole life. You crazy dog the whole life.
Bad Dream every night.

Your pictures copyright. Video and pictures copyright. Don't voting for @eco-alex dog.

I like where you are going here. There are so many ideas, technologies and solutions available to us now. It is only a matter of bringing together the best and the brightest to actually DO what we know is possible. Nikola Tesla was working towards that world, what would have happened if he had been helped instead of hindered? Stanley Meyers made a car that runs on water.... imagine if he revolutionized the fuel industry in his day instead of being ignored by history. The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist movement and so many others are all inching towards some of the ideas you present here. Nice work, look forward to reading more and seeing how we get towards this beautiful world you describe!

I'm happy you read it! It was really fun to write.. I think the timing just has to be right for these things to gain traction. Times are changing. Whether you consider that change to be happening quickly or slowly is a matter of opinion i guess. When viewed from our short lifetime these changes seem to be taking forever... but i think when we take in the bigger picture then we can see things are progressing nicely! (sort of)..

That's partly why i wrote this piece.. TO try to help put where we are in perspective. I believe this future is inevitable really. Although its possible to imagine horrific totalitarian scenarios.. i believe we are not headed in that direction.

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