HGH For Weight Loss

in #hgh7 years ago

HGH for weight loss Loss Old Man Pushups Dreambody Clinic 2.jpg

Original Article at - https://dreambodyclinic.net/2017/11/20/hgh-for-weight-loss/

HGH and weight loss have been linked together due to the fact that human growth hormone plays a significant role in how the body metabolizes and burns food as fuel, rather than storing it away as unwanted fat.
The body has a number of essential chemical messengers – hormones – that stimulate a wide variety of daily functions, including how food that is consumed is processed and utilized. If any of these hormones are in a decreased state, the necessary stimulus to the metabolism does not occur, causing the body to transform the food into fat. HGH is biologically identical to the naturally occurring growth hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. It increases the level of HGH in the body so that weight gain can stop, and fat loss can begin.


The way that HGH and fat loss go together is by increasing the amount of growth hormone in the bloodstream. This, in turn, helps to stimulate the way that protein, lipids, and carbohydrates are processed. Instead of a sluggish metabolism not utilizing these foods as readily available fuel, it transforms them into fat cells to be used at a later time – which, unfortunately never seems to come.
Your fat cells have receptors specifically for growth hormone. When there is excess growth hormone in your blood stream after injecting HGH it passes by these fat cells and connects to those receptors. Your fat cells are then broken down into trigylcerides by the HGH which your body can flush out easily. This makes the hard task of burning existing fat, very easy.
When HGH is introduced into the body, it signals the metabolism to speed up and convert food taken by mouth into fuel, and the same conversion process with stored fat cells. While this process is going on, something else exciting is happening within the body that contributes to a change in overall physique:

Muscle Building!

HGH helps to improve lean muscle tissue at the same time that it is stimulating fat loss. This process begins to transform the body into a well-toned rather than flabby physique. As lean muscle is gained, the body can burn calories at a higher rate. Energy levels are increased, and working out becomes much easier to accomplish.


Although each person’s body is different, using Genotropin for weight loss will result in some positive benefits. Now, please note that HGH therapy is not a diet, nor will a doctor prescribe Genotropin for the sole purpose of losing excess fat. Weight loss is a side benefit of a program that is designed to improve overall health and vitality when growth hormone levels are low.

The average person who is overweight will lose approximately 10% of excess fat during a six-month cycle of HGH injections. A typical gain of the same amount of lean muscle mass tissue will also occur. This is where the tightening and toning benefits begin.

As we look closely at the process of using HGH, and weight loss occurring, we find that changes in diet and exercise are not needed for this to happen. That does not mean that we recommend people binge eating fried foods while spending all of their free time on the couch. The more effort that a person puts into making healthy lifestyle changes, the more weight loss he or she will experience.


One question that comes up on a regular basis is whether or not HGH is safe to use for weight loss. Human growth hormone therapy has long been shown to be safe for use by adults who have a verifiable GH deficiency.
When determining the HGH dosage, weight loss is not the focus of treatment. Restoring a crucial balance to the body’s hormone system is the goal. That is why doctors use blood analysis and physical examination results as a barometer for gauging the proper dosage to prescribe. Weight loss goes along with the process because of the role that growth hormone plays in metabolic functions.

When a hormone replacement specialist prescribes HGH therapy to combat a deficiency, it is safe to use as recommended. One of the best brands of HGH is Genotropin. Good weight loss is something that will occur as a result of providing the body with what it needs to perform at its best in all possible ways.
Dreambody Clinic provides HGH and other hormone therapies to men and women across the United States, Canada, UK and Europe. Please contact us for a free and confidential consultation.
Call 424-253-0165 or email [email protected]

How to get HGH legally at a high dose and low price

Big Pharma is at it again and has jacked the prices of HGH up through the roof. They know that the FDA only has it approved for a few select issues. They also know that the people with these issues will have insurance that will pay the super inflated price they have their HGH at on the market. So not only is it near impossible to get a prescription and a dose you want, it is also priced out of the range of anyone, but the rich.
Dreambodyclinic.net has found a way around these over bearing odds. We have dug through the legalities and it turns out that UN Law and most countries laws allow people to seek medical treatment abroad and return home with the medication. In the USA you can return home with up to 50 dose units while the rest of the world is a 3 month supply. The doctors at Dreambody Clinic can write you a prescription for up to 540IU which they then spread out over 50 doses for USA patients or over 3 months for Canadian clients. This is enough to last most people 9 months assuming they will do 2IU per day. Our prices are less than a quarter the price in the USA. For example a 36IU pfizer genotropin hgh pen in the USA costs $1,300 usd on average at place like walmart pharmacy, CVS or Rite Aid. At Dreambody Clinic that same 36IU Pfizer Genotropin HGH pen will cost you $360 usd!
How does the Dreambody Clinic HGH Program Work?
Step 1 - Contact us at dreambodyclinic.net - [email protected] or call (424) 253-0165 Our friendly staff will consult with you to go over dosing recommendations and the whole process.
Step 2 - Book a flight to any of our locations in Mexico - Cancun, Puerto Vallarta or Mexico City. You will also need to book a hotel.
Step 3 - We provide airport pickup and transportation to and from our clinics.
Step 4 - Blood work. We start early in the morning the day after you arrive to get a blood panel taken. This is to ensure that you are healthy and have no signs of cancer. Cancer is really the only reason we could not prescribe you HGH. If you are cancer free then HGH is very cancer preventative as it produces more accurate cell replication.
Step 5 - Meet our Doctor. We get the blood panel results back the same day and have our doctor review the results in person. Our team discusses nutrition and diet to help with any issues or to help you build a better physique. The doctor then writes you the prescription
Step 6 - Buy HGH. You then buy the HGH and we give it to you there in a custom cooler with ice packs. This ensures safe travel and that your medication stays perfect. We also provide a folder with all of your documentation for safe and legal travel.
Step 7 - Fly home knowing that you have your HGH legally and that your health and wellness will continue to improve.


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