How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins?
Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD) can be easily transferred/converted to your bitcoins with officially-recommended @blocktrades
This is the most easiest way to exchange your Steem/SBD to Bitcoins (or other digital currency). In this case, you need a bitcoin wallet e.g. You can use the online coinbase bitcoin wallet or offline Eletrum wallet.
Step 1: Click the “Sell” under the “Steem Dollars” if you want to sell SBD or “Steem” if you want to sell Steem respectively.
sell-sbd How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Step 2: Now you need to Enter the suggested SBD/Steem to exchange, on the right hand-side, it will approximately tell you how much bitcoins you can get after exchange. You need a valid Bitcoin wallet address.
blocktrades How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
blocktrades exchange
Step 3: Click the “Get Deposit Address” button to get the MEMO. You need to copy exactly the MEMO as given (You may however use this same MEMO for many times you like)
blcoktrades-memo How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Step 4: Click the “Transfer” dropdown menu under Steem or Steem Dollars
transfer-sbd How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Click the “Transfer” at dropdown menu
Step 5: Enter the recipient: blocktrades and fill in the amount of SBD or Steem to convert.
transfer-to-account How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Fill Recipient with blocktrades and the amount of SBD to send, the MEMO should be correctly set as provided
Step 6: Login the Proceed
login-to-proceed How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Your funds will be immediately unavailable.
transfer-history How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
However, it may take minutes or hours for this transaction to fully completed and reach your bitcoin address.
electrum-wallet How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? SteemIt
Remember, make sure you have entered the correct MEMO (see this incident) not your wallet address!
You can read this tutorial in Simplified Chinese: 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?.
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Thanks, I spent some time getting to grips with this yesterday as it is not the most intuitive process!
I was surprised there weren't that many articles on how to convert your Steem currencies.