Chemtrail info

in #chemtrails7 years ago


When people look up into the blue and see white trails paralleling and crisscrossing high in the sky little do they know that they are not seeing aircraft engine contrails, but instead they are witnessing a man made climate engineering crisis facing all air breathing humans and animals on planet Earth. These white aircraft spray trails consist of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers, and chemical components. Toxic atmospheric aerosols used to alter weather patterns, creating droughts in some regions, deluges and floods in other locations and even extreme cold under other conditions. Developing disasters (like massive ice melting in and around the North Pole) are “Never” mentioned by privately owned and controlled news media. Massive releases of methane gasses are venting into the atmosphere, contributing to area warming and to huge forest fires in far northern timberlands.

Unfortunately these unfolding catastrophes are not capturing the attention of America’s citizens nor present day politicians. Failed politicians to date? Not even the radio frequency technology from facilities like HAARP have captured the attention of enough concerned citizens and politicians of the world, even when these radio frequencies have the known ability to manipulate weather, earthquakes, tidal waves, deplete oxygen essential to life, and contribute to burning forests. What is so noted above is collectively termed as GEOENGINEERING. Dane Wigington, founder and author of, documents this world wide crisis that must quickly be taken hold of, because this weather warfare has already almost reached beyond the distinct possibility of massive devastation to all mankind and animals. Dane’s book, that is a must read especially by all caring Americans, is titled “GEOENGINEERING: A CHRONICLE OF INDICTMENT” requires the collective backing all citizens in this fight to save all humanity and air breathing animals. It’s that serious and is time limiting. — Charles Jones, B/Gen. USAF

Bill Vander Zalm, former Premier–Governor of British Columbia, Canada

For many years, people have been asking me about Climate Control, Geo-Engineering, Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenhouse gases and Chemtrails. My stock response is “follow the money.” The most obvious one is Chemtrails (geoengineering aerosol dispersions), we can see them everywhere in the sky above us. What people don’t seem to realize is that we are not just seeing Contrails, which dissipate quickly, but instead a spraying into the atmosphere of Sulfates such as Aluminum, Barium and Strontium, to reflect back the sun, a poisonous cocktail that eventually rains down on all living things be they animal or plant life.

In the summer of 2013, after much pressure from fellow British Columbians, I requested, from the government of Canada, through “Freedom of Information”, their involvement in Climate Control programs. After a rather lengthy wait, I received a 47 page report of which 10 pages of relevant information were completely blanked out and 6 pages blank with only the statement “information withheld pursuant to sections of the Access of Information Act.” So much for Freedom of Information.

The report did state that “Solar Radiation Management” was underway and dealt extensively with a number of approaches to combat Greenhouse Gases, Global Warming and Climate Change and identified two types of Geo Engineering those being “Carbon Dioxide removal” and “Solar Radiation Management.” It goes on to say that science is converging on the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions immediately in order to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. The document refers to a program to increase the reflectivity of the atmosphere via sulfate injections, a process said to be by the anti-geoengineering activists, the spraying by airplanes, into the atmosphere, of Aluminum sulfate, Barium and Strontium and evidenced by what appears to be “Contrails”- jet condensation trails – except that instead of disappearing in seconds, they spread and stretch from horizon to horizon, linger crisscross and spread for thousand of feet in the sky. The report also identifies “stratospheric aerosol injection” (SAI) as a relatively cost effective process and that the spray evidence remains in the sky for only a few days.

My concern is that when the government of Canada gives us what information they did, but in spite of “Freedom of Information Legislation, keeps a third of it secret,what information could the American Government reveal? I’m also concerned that when governments try to influence nature by some government program, we’re in trouble, big trouble. Thank you Dane Wigington keep fighting for the total truth about secret government climate control programs. — Bill Vander Zalm

Kevin M. Shipp, A decorated former CIA Officer and author of "From the Company of Shadows"

What is going on in the skies above us? What used to be the blue skies we all remember, are now covered with multiple grid-like, thick streaks that remain for hours, then spread to a canopy covering virtually the entire sky. On some days, a thin white haze hangs over geography far from polluted cities and air traffic. Manmade sunsets appear in chilling patterns on the horizon. What is causing the record-breaking temperature fluctuations and bizarre weather patterns we are seeing across the globe? Would our government do such a thing? You bet it would. History has shown us this, time and time again. In his book, “Geoengineering, a Chronicle of Indictment,” Dane Wiginton presents compelling research and documentation pointing directly to covert programs of geoengineering, weather warfare and climate manipulation. If our government is engaging in a covert program of this magnitude, so far beyond the point of no return, this represents a kind of tyranny never seen before in human
history. This book is a must read for everyone seeking the truth behind what is occurring over our heads. — Kevin M. Shipp

Allan Buckmann
Weather Observer U.S. Air Force
Wildlife Biologist, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Retired

I find Dane’s presentations in concert with my personal observations of weather modification and concerns for Earth's Biosystems. I sincerely appreciate his insightful efforts as he presents the case.

As a trained weather observer (USAF), I began to closely follow Jet Cloud creation in 2002, and I soon realized jets were creating cirriform cloud cover almost daily in unusual and unnatural patterns. I discovered that only some jets emitted huge volumes of material that stayed suspended for long periods and spread out over the sky. Clearly they are not historic contrails. With today’s jet engines they should not exist. I observed unmarked aircraft that fly in patterns, emit multiple colored trails with unnatural cloud types together and cloud types are not based on natural weather fronts, aircraft turn around, and for the most part they are not commercial airlines. This is all empirical data and shows cloud creation is a managed program for sky cover and/or haze.

I had two immediate concerns with the program. First, such continual cover with cirrus creates a greenhouse effect that increases global warming and dimming, and second, changes in cloud cover alter normal weather patterns that govern ecological cycles. As a trained wildlife biologist (38+ years) this poses a serious alteration of species habitats and survival, including our own. Species that cannot adapt rapidly die off. We are looking at profound alteration of our natural world.

Aerosols have to be Nano size to stay suspended long enough to make clouds, and some now last days. Testing of water, snow, rain, and plants found wide accumulation of aluminum, strontium, barium, and other metal mixes. California drinking water records indicate every drinking water supply in the state was first contaminated by these metals in 1987. Aluminum does not occur in a freeform state but is tied up in compounds, so the contamination came from a manufactured source and applied by air … this fits the jet cloud scenario. Coal ash-fly ash contains similar metals as a possible source. Aluminum buildup in the soil turns it more basic and changes the plant communities and species composition.

This continual spray program is believed to be a major weather factor in present species extinctions, massive global warming, and droughts, floods, dying vegetation, deadly fires that burn hotter with metallic particles present, and chaotic and extreme weather.

Military weather warfare is based on combining metallic cloud cover with directed radio frequencies using HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, ionosphere heater) scalar technology. They can move the jet stream, create superstorms and earthquakes and much more using focused beams of energy to bounce off the metallic cloud cover and amplified to alter temperatures and hit at specific locations. Nicola Tesla said he could use this scalar technology to split the earth with the correct frequency. The military wants to own the weather by 2025, and all evidence suggests they are using it daily over our heads.

The program seems to be a continuation of weather warfare the USA has been using since we rained out the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam to hamper troop movements and supply lines. Weather war and manipulation programs have been ongoing world-wide causing chaos to environmental systems ever since. It seems that to discuss it is a threat to “National Security.” This may be due to the fact such programs are illegal by international treaties, or because there has been no public review, or they don’t want you to know what they are doing because you will object. The entire circus of “What we can do” has already been done, and its effects are all around us. It is time for full disclosure.

If you want to understand the truth about Weather Geoengineering based on a huge library of facts, empirical observations and testimonials, you need to read this book. There are literally thousands of supporting facts, observations, pictures and credible whistle blowers behind this work that bring the truth to light. You have been lied to for many decades about this covert program. Government control and secrecy was illuminated this past year (2016) when President Obama placed a gag order on the Weather Bureau and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to discuss geoengineering after a NOAA scientist asked the question in a published paper “Are jets accidentally doing geoengineering?” This secrecy is why no agency will discuss the issue with you or explain the many environmental anomalies witnessed in weather today, and uses shills for disinformation. This is a dangerous program. Read on and learn more … it is time.

Thank you for your tenacity Dane. — Allan Buckmann

Francis Mangels,
35 year USDA veteran biologist/soil conservationist/forester/wildlife officer
Degrees held in Forestry, Zoology, Geology, Fisheries, and Hydrology

"Something's Wrong with the Sky" is a poem I wrote back in 2001, before I knew Dane Wigington. When we first visited, I knew something was happening from my observations as a scientist with the USDA. When I retired in 2008, I was free from the restraints, bullying, and harassment of my administrator and co-workers. Having known Dane now and followed the material, witnesses, and facts proving geoengineering is a solid fact, as well as proving it with my own research, I heartily recommend his book, "Geoengineering: A Chronicle of Indictment", this may be one of the most important books of our time.

Francis Mangels, retired 35 years GS-11, USDA

William Thomas, award-winning investigative journalist, former pilot and ocean sailor, author of “Chemtrails Confirmed”

When I broke this story for Environment News Service in 1998 and popularized the term “chemtrails”, neither myself nor the editors of this worldwide wire service suspected the full extent and dangers of this ill-advised climate engineering program. After nearly two decades of continuous aerial laydowns, this spurious “cover” is pulling the trigger on Abrupt Climate Shift – hastening the terminal meltdown of the Arctic, mass die-offs of forests, untold agony and deaths among Earth’s community of living beings, and a Permian-level ocean extinction event. Bless Dane Wigington for carrying on this fight. If there is one person who understands how human-produced climate shift and climate modification have become inseparably intertwined, you will meet him in Geoengineering, A Chronicle of Indictment. Dane Wigington is right on. Heed his warning. Stop the geoengineers now. — William Thomas

Every article contained within the text can easily be searched online (by the individual article title) in order to access the data, charts, photos, maps, graphing, and article source hyperlinks contained in each original online article posting. Numerous climate engineering / weather modification patents (and links to essential related documents) are also contained within the 725 pages of the text. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the individual that is responsible for assembling the articles in this publication and for organizing its printing. Though this individual wishes to remain anonymous, her efforts to compile and categorize the research articles from was the cause of this book's creation. My ongoing nearly 80 hour work weeks in the anti-geoengineering battle have long since prevented me from undertaking any such effort. Again, "Geoengineering: A Chronicle Of Indictment" is an assembly of summarized articles that can be easily scanned through to locate articles of interest for particular questions. As stated earlier, every copy of the book comes with a comprehensive informational DVD "Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare, And The Collapse Of Civilization" that contains over 3 hours of additional visual fact backed powerpoint information and expert testimony covering the critical climate engineering issue. This educational DVD is NOT COPYRIGHTED so that it can be FREELY RE-COPIED AND FURTHER DISTRIBUTED (so long as it is not sold for a profit). Sharing the data contained in this DVD will greatly assist with crucial geoengineering awareness raising efforts. The human race is at an unimaginably critical crossroad with converging catastrophes closing in from countless directions. It is imperative for us all to properly prioritize our time and energies toward fully facing the most dire and immediate threat we collectively face. The ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault is decimating the biosphere in countless ways and contaminating every breath we take with highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals. Of all the dire challenges currently faced by the human race (and the entire web of life), exposing and halting global geoengineering programs must be considered the great imperative. If this could be accomplished, it would be the most critical single leap we could make in the right direction. This effort will require each and every one of us, make your voice heard, time is not on our side.

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