Blockchain protocol that revolutionizes Reputation & Ratings in digital interactions.

in #social7 years ago (edited)


Tru Reputation Protocol, a blockchain protocol that revolutionizes Reputation & Ratings in digital interactions. Our goal is to create a next-generation solution to the problem of trust and reputation that will solve some of the longest standing and most costly problems in digital ecosystems whilst also providing an on-ramp from off-blockchain users to blockchain platforms.

The Tru Reputation Protocol provides a unique and revolutionary solution to Reputation by moving away from Ratings & Reviews towards the selection of easy-to-understand words and phrases when describing an interaction. Moreover, the Tru Reputation Protocol provides the first digital solution to persisting Reputation between platforms and reward contributors for their feedback creating the first Proof of Reputation network.

How it works?

Stage 1 — Transacation.
A Transaction occurs between two or more parties on a Platform in the Tru Reputation Network. A Transaction could be an exchange of currency on a Exchange Platform, an exchange of money for service performed, or buying a product.

Stage 2 — Private reporting.
At the conclusion of the Transaction each party involved selects Semantic Terms Feedback. This feedback is submitted to the Tru Reputation Network where it is is linked their Tru Reputation Profile but inaccessible to anyone but the parties involved until Consensus Wait Stage is complete.

Stage 3 — Consensus wait.
Once Private Reporting Stage has been submitted completed, a reporting consensus period of 7 days occurs. If neither side raises an object to the Semantic Terms Feedbacksubmitted, once this time period elapses, the Semantic Terms Feedback becomes visible for each party through any searches against the Tru Reputation Network.

If an objection is raised, an automated resolution mechanism is triggered, that seeks to resolve the dispute.

Stage 4 — Public reporting.
Once the the Consensus Wait Stage is complete, the Semantic Terms Feedback becomes publicly searchable against their Tru Reputation Profile.

Stage 5 — Tru distribution.
Once the Consensus Wait Stage is complete, Tru Reputation Tokens (TRU) are distributed equally to the parties involved in the Transaction (including the Platform participating in Tru Reputation Network).

TRU is required to query the Tru Reputation Network data.

Stage 6 — Reputation established.
Once the Public Reporting Stage occurs, your Reputation is visible for anyone to search for using the Tru Reputation Network.

This allows you to persist your Reputation across any Platform in the Tru Reputation Network — from Crypto exchanges, to Web retail sites.

Stage 7 — Monetize your reputation.
Because TRU is required by any entity that wants to query the Tru Reputation Network it can be traded, sold and exchanged.

Earn for participating in the Tru Reputation Network and monetize your input & Reputation.

Advantages of the Tru Reputation Protocol.
The Tru Reputation Protocol represents a generational step in how Reputation operates in a digital environment. Rather than being based on 30-year-old paradigms that have been proven time and again to be unreliable and prone to fraud, the Tru Reputation Protocol establishes for the first time a sole source of truth for digital reputation. The Tru Reputation Protocol will become the de facto solution for Reputation for the following reasons:

  • Only Reputation & Rating platform to offer persistence and platform agnosticism.
  • Only Reputation & Rating solution to reward contributions with an innovative economic model.
  • Innovative and proven patent-pending Reputation technology
  • Only Reputation solution to be built with the Distributed Web at its heart- the solution for the next generation of disruptive apps.
  • Massively scalable network that leverages the cutting edge in distributed apps, the blockchain and off-blockchain technologies.


My Profile Bitcointalk: DmitriySar;u=1156662

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