Hello friends of steemit in this opportunity I want to make reference on a topic of great importance for all of us human beings and it is about our initial formation, the basis of everything we are in our lives, from our values to our principles, from our Children are guarantors of our first steps but these are accompanied by an optimal learning taught by our parents and followed by a progressive accompaniment from the classrooms by the educators.


Initial education requires a specific treatment, because these early years are decisive and because the child is simply that, a child is a process of maturation, development on the basis of this is said that childhood is a fundamental in the development process and personality formation, the child begins to learn from the moment of conception, feeding back his inner world of everything he receives from the outside. Initial education helps foster intellectual development.


The work in the classrooms in very influential position this would be the first floor so that children can develop their skills as well as can be educated in a healthy way, depending on all these each child as he grows designing a pattern, which will determine how your personality will be.

The Values taught from the home are very important since they allow the child to adapt a progressive behavior, but this in turn has to be strengthened from the classrooms, that is why the teachers are guarantors that the children can know everything necessary for your initial training.

The tools taught in classes are fundamental for each child, this allows each given step to be safely and allows them to get to know each other, giving as a result, as progress is made in each stage they can grow every day more.

Education is the engine that determines us, nurtures us and guides us that every day we have to be more guarantors of good educational practices that are guarantors of human beings can grow in all aspects.


Source: photographs taken by @diegoaraujo with an android phone hawuei P6

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