in #ethereum8 years ago



I wanted to share with everyone what Project Ethereum is and how it came to be. We are just about to launch and I wanted to share this with everyone. We are adding a tab entitled "What is Project Ethereum" on our home page that should answer a lot of people's questions as well as give them a little more insight into our Project:

So, what is Project Ethereum?

Our Story & Platform:

Over 13 years ago, I left Network Marketing after being part of a meeting where I learned the real numbers behind many Network Marketing Plans.

In the meeting, I learned that the fastest and most inexpensive way for a company to promote and distribute a product was to create a team of Multi Level Marketers.

This would allow a company to create a plan where by design only a small portion of the distributors would earn a very good income. In fact, it was only 1-3%. Only 1-5% would earn any income at all, and the remaining members would most like lose money in an attempt to promote over-priced products.

I realized that if a company sold a product for $200.00 per month and the main source of their clientele was their actual distributors, it would mathematically be impossible to pay their distributors a good income and stay in business.

Example: Product cost $200.00 per month / Total number of distributors 100,000 / Creating a total gross of $20,000,000 per month. Client/Distributor Ratio 9:10.

This is a typical model. That would mean that at least 90% of their clients were actual distributors, making their total gross minus distributors $2,000,000.00 per month.

Add in corporate overhead such as shipping, salaries, rent, and so on and you will need much more than $200,000.00 per month just to pay for operations.

Where does this leave us?

The only way to make up for the missing revenue was to only pay a certain number of their distributors great commissions, leaving the others without.

These plans were purposely designed this way to allow corporate to stay in business.

I understood this and decided that I could not promote a plan that would cause so many to go without. The odds of the “average marketer” creating any income for themselves were very low.

It wasn’t until earlier this year in 2017 that I received a phone call from a trusted friend who introduced me to a different concept.

I was introduced to a member to member donation program that allowed members to receive direct donations and not have to build a massive team just to earn their money back.

They did not have to promote over-priced products with a very low chance of earning any income at all.

I joined the program and quickly built a team of hundreds of members. While in the program, I noticed some deficiencies and quickly shared them with my up-line.

The first thing I noticed was that there was no way to ensure that members were going to upgrade to their up-line members on time or even correctly.

I also noticed that there was no product or immediate value, even though I learned in this type of program, a cause would be sufficient. Well, there was also no known cause.

I found this very problematic and after days of contemplation, I called some of my closest business colleagues and explained to them that I had a better idea.

I had a better way to allow members a stronger opportunity to not only start receiving donations, but to do it on a larger scale.

Through a lot a research. phone calls, and meetings, I came up with a cause and a product, along with a few more ideas to create a complete platform that I believed would create an element of fairness and equal opportunity for everyone.

I really liked the concept of a member to member donation program because this simply means all of the money does not travel to the very top corporate spot. Every member that joins is placed in a position where he/she receives donations from members stage 1-8, just as corporate does. No one, including corporate, receives donations below 8 stages.

This would create a team building concept that would promote fairness and more equal opportunity.

This was not good enough. I also wanted to create tools for those members who were not strong marketers.

Project Ethereum gives ALL members, at no additional cost, a complete funnel and marketing system. This system includes preloaded capture pages, auto-responders, and a complete back office.

Not only did we want to create a team building environment via member to member donations, we also wanted to give the average marketer tools that have been used by the stronger ones for years.

The next step was to create a Cause. I knew this was a vital step and I wanted to find a cause that I could stand behind with confidence.

I will be honest. After researching several different charities, I actually accidentally stumbled across Choice Humanitarian.
How did I find Choice?

I was actually reading an article on Facebook a dear friend of mine wrote, regarding recent floods in Peru.

He wrote about water filtration systems he was helping to build in an effort to bring clean water to the people who were suffering.

Knowing him as well as I did, I knew he was doing what he had written about.

As I read the article, I saw a logo for Choice Humanitarian in the upper left hand corner.

I thought, wow, he is affiliated with Choice. I knew at that moment, I had better contact them.

I called them the next morning and left a lengthy message. I mentioned his name and told them via voice mail that if he was associated with them, I would definitely be interested in meeting with them and share what I felt was a great way to donate to their cause.

I was contacted the next day by Leah, Choice Humanitarian’s C.E.O., and to my embarrassment she had no idea who my friend was. It just so happened that their logo was placed near his article by coincidence.

We continued our conversation and I was in their office within a few days meeting with them and getting to know their staff.
I started to learn a lot about their organization, and what really peaked my interest was learning about their Expedition Program.

I knew that the money they received actually went to their cause. I knew this was a group I wanted to endorse and promote.
We came up with an agreement that for every $2,000 we donated to them, we would receive a voucher for a member to go on an actual Expedition.

This was amazing to me. I could not only send our members, but their family members on actual life changing Expeditions. These Expeditions would change lives, not only of the people they served, but of families who participated in them.
What better way to change a mindset of a generation that has been poisoned by political agendas, poor role models in the media, and a growing sense of entitlement?

I knew I had an opportunity to spread a message of Selflessness. I knew members would return home from these Expeditions with a completely different outlook on life. I HAD to build this company after meeting with these amazing individuals.
At this point, I had my Donation Program, my marketing systems, and also my Cause. There was still a huge element missing. I needed a product, but not just any product. I needed a product that would tie everything together and offer what I believed would be a great value to our members.

Crypto University is the product I came up with after consulting with a good friend and Crypto Expert.
If we were going to have our members receive ETHER, we should probably educate them on what ETHER was, but why stop there? We should educate members on the World of Cryptocurrencies.

Sure, people could spend countless hours scouring the internet for information on different currencies. They could read a little here and a little there, sometimes receiving credible information and sometimes, well, not so credible.

Crypto University, in my humble opinion will be an excellent source of information for our members. They will learn many different aspects of Crypto, including, but not limited to, storage, mining, tips on trading and following trends, smart contracts, security, and so on.

We want our members to become Crypto experts in their own right. This is very important to us because we firmly believe there is a bright future for anyone who has the opportunity to learn more about this amazing space.

Well, I had just about everything I needed to make my dream a reality, but there was still something else missing.

Auto-Upgrade System:
I believe that our Auto-Upgrade System truly separates us from many of the member to member donation platforms. This is something no one has ever done, but I felt it was a necessity in order to make this successful for our members. In fact, if it were not possible, I would not have moved forward with Project Ethereum.

Our system allows us to take out the element of human error and possible lack of training. It is the glue that holds the entire platform together.

In order to create this system, we had to come up with a wallet option for our members, where they could have their wallets on our platform. This way we could automatically upgrade them to the next stage as they received the needed donations from the previous stage to upgrade to the following stage.

These wallets are not corporate wallets. The wallets have unique wallet IDs for each individual member where they can track everything using Etherscan.

Members have the ability to transfer ETHER to additional wallets and store their surplus ETHER anywhere they would like. We only hold the reserve amount needed to upgrade a member.

We also have an “opt out” option for every member, where a member can opt out at any time and transfer any balance, including their reserve balance, anywhere they would like.

We did not want to ask members for their secret keys in their wallets outside of Project Ethereum and set up monthly ACH payments. This was never an option for us. We did not even consider it.

This system will allow every member to upgrade correctly and on time to ensure our member program is executed with great efficiency. It will also allow our members to have the flexibility within their wallets to do whatever they would like to do with their ETHER.

We do not want our members to send more than $90.00 to their ETHER wallets to start the program. We encourage them to keep any additional ETHER in any wallet of their personal choice.

Our Name:
I have been asked about our name several times. It is quite simple really. I came up with Project because I knew this would be quite a chore. It is a huge project to put all of these elements together, and the project would not end upon inception, but would carry on as it is our vision to assist Choice in spreading humanity around the World, along with my vision to teach people what I think is missing in our ever changing world, and that is selflessness.
Ethereum was used in our name because our members would be donating and receiving ETHER.
It was truly that simple. No amazing story behind our name. I wish there were. It would make great press

Member to Member Program in Detail:
With your initial donation of $90.00 in ETHER, you will not only receive your eBook, but you will also take a position as a new member in our donation program.

Since there are no qualifiers such as Bronze, Silver, and Gold, you will almost immediately receive donations as members join your team.

Regardless of who places a member, once you have one member join your organization, you will receive $90.00 in Ethereum. This member will be placed on your left side.

Once another member is placed on your right side; again, regardless of who places them, you will have the opportunity to donate the two donations of $90.00 sent directly to you to the person 2 levels above you.

This allows you to “upgrade” to level or Stage 2. Our system is set up on “auto upgrade,” so as long as you do not opt out, you will automatically be upgraded to Stage 2.

Once on Stage 2, you will have an opportunity to receive up to 4 donations of $180.00 in Ethereum (see presentation with matrix for more details).

Once you receive the first 2 donations on Stage 2, you will automatically be upgraded to Stage 3, where you will have the possibility of receiving up to 8 donations of $360.00. Once you receive the additional 2 donations from your Stage 2 members, you will be able to keep those donations for yourself.

This will allow you to keep $360.00 in Ethereum donations at this point.

At Stage 3, as mentioned above, you will have an opportunity to receive up to 8 donations of $360.00. Once you receive 3 donations of $360.00, or $1,080.00, you will automatically be upgraded to Stage 4 for $900.00. You will keep the additional $180.00 and once the additional 5 donations from Stage 3 are sent to you, you will keep those as well.

Once at Stage 4, you will have an opportunity to receive up to 16 donations of $900.00, or $14,400.00 in Ethereum. Once you receive the first two donations, you will be automatically upgraded to Stage 5. As the other 14 donations from Stage 4 reach you; you will be able to keep those for yourself.

Stage 5 allows you to receive up to 32 donations of $1,800.00. Once you receive the first two donations, the system will automatically upgrade you to Stage 6. As you start receiving the additional 30 donations, they will be yours too keep.

At Stage 6, you can receive up to 64 donations of $3,600.00, and again, once you receive the first 2 donations from this level, you will automatically be upgraded to Stage 7. The additional 62 donations will be yours too keep.

Once you reach Stage 7, you will have an opportunity to receive up to 128 donations of $7,200.00. The first 2 donations will be used to upgrade you to Stage 8. You will be able to keep the additional 126 donations.

Stage 8, the final Stage. You will have an opportunity to receive up to 256 donations of $14,400.00 in Ethereum. You will not need to donate any of these to your members up line.

The initial donations received in the Stages will be held in “reserve,” and will be unavailable unless you “opt-out.” This is done so members do not accidentally use the donations for anything else, inhibiting them from being able to be auto-upgraded.
Any donation amount not held in reserve is immediately available to our members to transfer to another wallet, exchange, or card option of their choice. It is also the responsibility of each member to learn the tax ramifications of their ETH once they cash it out or sell it.

Each member is responsible for paying their own taxes and/or creating their own 1099 or whatever form they use for their country of origin.

Stage 1: You donate 100% of your potential donations and can keep up to $0.00
Stage 2: You donate 50% of your potential donations and can keep up to $360.00
Stage 3: You donate 31.25% of your potential donations and can keep up to $1,980.00
Stage 4: You donate 12.5% of your potential donations and can keep up to $12.600.00
Stage 5: You donate 6.25% of your donations and can keep up to $54,000.00
Stage 6: You donate 3.125% of your donations and can keep up to $223,200.00
Stage 7: You donate 1.56% of your donations and can keep up to $907,200.00
Stage 8: You donate 0.0% of your donations and can keep up to $3,686,400.00
Total Potential Donations Kept/Monthly: $4,885.740.00

Donations are received from each Stage once a member of that Stage upgrades to you. Example: A Stage 5 donation is received by you once one of your members on Stage 5 builds down enough to upgrade 5 Stages up to you. A Stage 5 donation is not received by a member as soon as they join onto your 5th Stage. When a member joins your 5th Stage, they upgrade to the member directly above them, or your Stage 4 member. They advance through the upgrade process following the same trajectory that you as a member follow.

Our Complete Platform in a “Nutshell”

Project Ethereum is really quite simple. It is a membership based program. The $90.00 per month membership includes:

  1. A subscription to Cyrpto University
  2. A position in our Member to Member Donation Program
  3. Opportunity to go on actual Expeditions through Choice Humanitarian

Ponzi-Scheme? Not hardly!


In order for a platform to be a ponzi-scheme, you need a few elements. Elements which we do not employ.
All the money has to go straight to the top to a few persons. In a member to member donation program this is actually impossible. All donations start and end from the actual members’ Stage 1 through Stage 8. They do NOT all go up to corporate or to one individual.

So why does it look like a triangle?
It is a matrix that forms a triangle, absolutely, yes. Why?
It is because it is a very effective way for members to donate to each other up-line creating a consistent flow of donations.
It has to build wide because that is how the donations increase from one Stage to another.

Why are they called Donations?

Because they are donations. This is 100% voluntary. Members can join just for the education aspect of Project Ethereum. As an additional benefit, they are placed in our matrix where they have an opportunity to not only learn more about Crypto, but also receive a lot of ETHER via donations in the process.

Members can stay active as long as they would like and also opt out at any time.

Why isn’t it like the scenario you would highlight in the beginning of this article?

This is NOT a traditional MLM plan. First of all, all of the money is not going to the top where we are paying out a commission based off of members reaching certain qualifiers, such as Bronze, Silver, or Gold.
Our product is not costing us millions of dollars to ship across the World. Nor are we building or renting a ridiculously sized building to show how amazing we are.

100% of the money in your matrix STAYS in your matrix. There are NO qualifiers or crazy gimmics.




In a member to member donation program, seasoned marketers are not only encouraged to build deep and wide, they need to in order to receive more donations. This creates more of a team build effort.

We strongly encourage our members to work together.

Our Vision:
Our vision is to create a true opportunity for our members to work towards their financial and personal goals. Just like Choice, we cannot feed every person in the World, but we can create an opportunity for people to better themselves.
I believe the platform we have created has all of the elements needed for a person to achieve success. Do people need to work in order to achieve success? Of course, and it should not be any other way.

Will very member make millions per month? No. Members will be able to find success, however, as they build their organization.
Some members may even just join and use the knowledge they receive from Crypto University to get involved in an amazing space where they can do very well for themselves.

It is the decision of every member to do what they choose with our incredible opportunity.
Project Ethereum is your gateway to wealth and humanity around the world. That is our motto and our mission.
John L. Johnson
Founder and C.E.O.
Project Ethereum

Coin Marketplace

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BTC 95672.75
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