Transpicuous News Jan 30: Working out.... in Antarctica
Yesterday the BIG NEWS was the "oppsy" by US military (and alphabet agencies) in allowing their people's whereabouts be known... through a fitness ap!!
Zerohedge : Fitness Tracking App Accidentally Reveals Secret US Military Bases, CIA "Black" Sites
"An interactive online fitness tracking map published in November of 2017 which compiles a running history of the location and routes of 27 million fitness-device users has unwittingly revealed the location, staffing, patrol routes and layout of U.S. and foreign military bases around the world.
...Remote locations, however, such as deserts in places like Syria and Iraq are almost entirely dark - aside from clandestine locations where military personnel using fitness trackers are stationed. Personnel in some of the US government's most sensitive facilities have been unwittingly been broadcasting sensitive information up to and including underground tunnels. "
... and OH DID I EVER HAVE FUN YESTERDAY WITH THIS MAP!!!!!... I seriously lost hours yesterday afternoon looking through this!
But.... unfortunately, I wasn't really paying enough attention as I had a huge headache, and I got so wrapped up in combing through map after map at high magnification, that I didn't take screen shots. smacks head on desk Imagine my complete horror when I watch the lovely red lights all over Antarctica just start disappearing before my very eyes!!!
This section of Antarctica was quite literally lit up like a christmas tree yesterday afternoon around 1pm CET:
and over here it looks like someone was writing out "CIA"... and either got caught or got bored, lol!!! And off to the left in the middle of a mountain pass there seems to be a whole lotta "exercise" going on, in some random place in the middle of Antarctica.....
And then Last night:
Clif High Tweets: Ack! Strava Heat Map of Antarctica! Zoom in to see where people are active.
.... oh yes, nothing to see here..... move along.
So the so called intelligence agency workers are not actually that intelligent when it comes to technology and movement tracking. Hmm why am I not surprised. Too many dumb fucks have too much authority over the world.
Ha ha ha
These are not the heat signatures you are looking for.