[Series] Achieving financial independence with Steem Intro 1

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

[Series] Achieving financial independence with Steem Intro 1

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This will be a series of posts on how to achieve financial independence using Steem. This series of posts is for people who want to learn and discuss different ways to think about money, and for people who truly despise the 9-5 salary worker lifestyle. If you're trapped in a salary worker lifestyle and you want to find an alternative then this series of posts is about how we can help each other free ourselves from that. Let's escape the salary worker lifestyle and teach others.

What does the salary worker lifestyle bring?

  • Bosses. Most people who have a salary job are employees and most employees have a boss.
  • Workplace politics. Most people who have a salary job have to deal with the aspects such as workplace politics.
  • A slave to the clock. Most people in this lifestyle do not get to set their own schedule. Their schedule is set by others and they have to work a certain amount of hours not just for the pay but to save face and or keep their jobs.
  • Hard work can be discouraged. In salary work you can sometimes work very hard to make higher ups look good, who sometimes take the credit for your work as if it was theirs. You may see people who get raises for reasons other than merit.
  • You have to go to work. Not only are most salary workers a slave to the clock but they have to also go to some designated location just to work. In 2016 this makes little sense but it's tradition to go to work even when there are long traffic jams and lines to get coffee each morning.
  • You have to choose between arbitrary "full time" and "part time". The amount of hours you get are designated by arbitrary meaningless concepts like full time and part time. In reality if we look at the animal kingdom there is no full and part time. If we look far back at human history these concepts didn't exist until fairly recently.

This isn't to discourage anyone who lives the salary worker lifestyle and who is happy with it. Some people for whatever reason are perfectly happy to live their lives working for others in this way. But if you are disgusted by this lifestyle then continue reading and have a look at this video below:

The salaryman lifestyle of Japan

The salaryman lifestyle of Japan may be an indicator of the extreme version of the salary worker lifestyle globally. Many milennials look at videos like this and think it is totally ridiculous to live like this no matter how much money people get paid. Why do they do it? Because they need stable income to support their families? So this lifestyle for many is just a sacrifice, a means to an end.

Japan offers a social compact where salarymen work for a company and have a job for life. This is distinctly different from how it is in the United States and this might indicate why people in Japan are willing to make greater sacrifices for their jobs. The company which treats employees like a family encourages the salary worker culture. But what if you could make a living as a blogger, enjoy your family, and not have to make these kinds of sacrifices anymore?

Bloggers have to get paid

In order to free people it is important that bloggers can get paid. The key point is that they don't have to get paid a daily salary like a factory worker or salary worker. Bloggers need to get paid enough money to be financially independent, and how much that is, that minimum threshold, is a threshold which differs from location to location, from country to country. If you know a blogger is in the United States or Tokyo then you know the cost of living is high, so they will need to get more votes and rewards to reach financial independence than the bloggers in Nigeria.

For this reason we cannot know for certain what is a big or small payout to a particular blogger. Most people would assume 20,000 USD is a large payout for the average American and they would be absolutely right. In most places in the United States, 20,000 USD is a year salary. In New York 20,000 USD might be enough for a month or two. This is because the cost of living in New York city is extremely high and 20,000 in a month is typical for some classes of workers in New York.

The threshold for financial independence

This threshold is slightly different for everybody. This threshold might not be entirely measured in a dollar amount. But the point is that once a person has wealth beyond this minimum threshold, they are able to live off their own wealth indefinitely. This could be the person who has enough dividend paying stocks to live off their dividend payments for the rest of their life while getting a reasonable income for their location, or it could be in the form of a mountain of Steem Power which can give them weekly payouts for the rest of their life.

This isn't to say Steem Power is something people SHOULD pursue exclusively and it's not to think of Steem Power as an investment. It's to think of Steem Power as a tool in the fight for financial independence and as anyone knows, it's important to be diversified in terms of income streams if the goal is financial independence. Each reader can decide on their own wealth threshold, and determine what forms are most convenient for them to express their wealth, but Steem Power is important because it allows bloggers to express their wealth in a way which encourages financial independence at least as of now.

What are some of the benefits of the financially independent lifestyle?

  • No bosses. No bosses, no bullshit, you're the boss of yourself if you choose to be or you can select someone to be the boss if you voluntarily want that.
  • Your workplace is mobile. Your workplace revolves around you, and it could be your laptop, it could be your smart phone, it could be your tape recorder, it's ultimately something you can carry about. Steemit could be the closest thing to a workplace and you go to work simply logging in.
  • Work as hard as you need to. No one is micromanaging you, or on your back telling you what to do and how to do it. You work as hard as you deem necessary to accomplish your goals. It helps to be a perfectionist but there is no quota system.
  • You have time to enjoy your family. Now you can be with the people you care about as often as you want. Your job is location independent so you can take them on vacations and tour the world while you work or you can work from home.
  • You aren't a slave to the clock anymore. You can work when you want, sleep when you want, party when you want, and record all of it to upload to your vlog.

Promoting financial freedom while working to achieve it

You can make posts, vlogs, and show the differences between the salary worker lifestyle and the lifestyle of a financially independent blogger. Even if you haven't yet achieved financial independence, you can help document the process of achieving financial independence as a sort of lifestyle lifelogger. For this reason the travel blogs are very important because it is what helps to wake people up who are in lifestyles they hate to discover that it's possible to travel for a living.

When beautiful people (notice I don't just say women!) are posting travel pictures and talking about enjoying their life as a blogger, it is this which attracts many ordinary people who see how these people are enjoying themselves and who want to do the same. It's important that blogging remains fun and does not turn into something which resembles a salary job and in order to keep it fun it is important to remember that at this time being a professional blogger is considered an alternative lifestyle and is not mainstream.

Normal people do not even know it's possible to have a career as a blogger and even if they think it is possible it's not currently associated with being financially independent. When people see that you can blog, go from rags to riches, or essentially become financially independent from the wage worker, then many people who currently are wage workers thinking it's the only noble way to make money will think to at least give it a try.

Show the Steem culture

Did you know if you are self employed you can live in Japan quite easily? Japan offers a freelance VISA which means if you are successful on Steemit where you can make over $2500 a month then you can apply for this VISA.

And from Japan you can be a Steem ambassador where you can be a journalist to show how people in Japan are using Steem, or promote Steem to Japanese youth who do not want to be salary workers. Indeed, many Japanese do not want to follow their parents and despise the salaryman culture but they do not yet know Steemit exists. If you're in Japan, or just interested, you can bring Steem culture to Japan.

The first generation of financially independent Steemians will be the people who help create and show Steem culture to the world. You will have the opportunity to live anywhere you want, to give people around the world hope, and to show how Steem changes lives. You'll be able to promote Steem while also promoting financial independence as a concept.

I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did there are several others from Extie DaSilva that you might like.


It's weird. Don't know if you read this but I tell you a bit about my story.
I am a student living in Germany. Sure life is good here, but being a student you need every little penny you get. I live with less than 10$ a day.

Since I am on Steemit it changed my being as a student. I don't worry that much anymore.
I feel safe. Sure it might be temporarily and I had luck so far.
But I wanted to thank you all. Every single person here for the help.
I hope I can give you something in return one day

You can give us culture, content, knowledge and perspective. I don't know about Germany so why don't you tell me more about it?

That's actually a great idea :) I started the crypto challenge and enjoy how people work together to solve the puzzles. In addition in will start to write about life in Germany. I might start simple. Maybe a little series about the major cities :) I would travel from city to city to report :D great idea. Thanks! Will mention you if this happens

Steemit creating financial self-sufficiency for the disenfranchised youths (but not only) is the way to go. I see a lot of young people who look lost in today's absurd, mainstream economy and cryptocurrencies, and a platform such as Steemit is the way forward. Good article but, friends, it's not only Japan the place to go to, but Italy as well, where I live : )

Please tell me all about Italy? And feel free to make your own blog posts to continue this dialog.

Dana, my apologies for answering so late, I am literally lost in this maze called Steemit! Just making my way around is mind boggling but after about a week, I feel a bit of enlightenment is coming and I start getting my whereabouts, including how to manage replies properly : ) In regards to Italy it seems there are a couple of guys from Italy blogging aside from me, one of them is frick. What would you like to know about Italy? I will be posting an article shortly on Ravenna, a beautiful city here on the Adriatic coast where i am spending some time. As for myself, I have a lot questions, and as I can formulate them, organize them properly, allow me perhaps to ask! Ciao, Matteo

I want this to work out for you so badly! I truly hope you achieve financial freedom through Steemit.

It a great feeling to get in on the ground floor of something that can give people the hope of financial independence!

we are still in the early days. and we have to really show users how steem power is a long term good investment. but first, we need to make sure the platform is as secure as possible, while we keep spam at bay. we are doing okay, but we can do better. good post! is this a guest post @dana-edwards ?

I'm still relatively new to the platform, and wonder about the long term sustainability in the present hierarchy of rewards, but am totally open and presently just excited about the possibilities, but I do hope it grows, and I dig your vision. I look forward to creating original content (writing etc.), and am glad to see so many doing the same. We are actually creating the value! I am not a tech geek, so the viability of trading steem dollars to whatever currency still seems vague, but I'm learning. Good luck to you and look forward to more posts.... following...

Over time as whales power down you will have more value flow. I think votes will be more dispersed but posts also more quickly recognized. Facebook has a 200 billion dollar market cap, and Steemit could only get a tenth of that and think of how many people would become financially independent?

@pierce-the-veil: This is a perfect example of a well thought out, substantial post. I really like your layout and presentation. Your points about japan, and using steemit profits to support travel abroad are most insightful.

It inspires me to think deeply about the furtherance of the steemit culture globally.

Excellent work. Upvote for you.

P.S. If for some reason your posts begin to fall on deaf ears, we formally invite you to join this weeks "Graveyard Edition" -Bringing Dead Posts Back to Life.
Link is here at your convenience: https://steemit.com/money/@pierce-the-veil/bring-out-yer-dead-a-steemit-graveyard-edition

Best Regards,


I worked as a professional poker played for 3 years, mostly online. I had to give it up because of the lack of work colleagues, you miss these people that you have a lot in common with. Now the job I did after the poker was a secondary school teacher which I loved doing so maybe that's the key, find a job you love. For me Poker wasn't it mostly because of the lack of human interaction but I guess Steemit is'nt the same as human interaction is steemit

I agree with "maybe that's the key, find a job you love" Not many such happy people in the world.

Well put together. I love the personal touch on the subject. Your post is not just about making money with steem and I loved it!
It contains the why and the motivation, the cultural background, character development.
It is very deep and gave me insights of Japan I never knew.
Thank you for sharing it!

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