Life With Pessimism -- Non Happening And Problematic

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


You must have heard someone at least once in your life saying about the ill effects of Pessimism. You also may have heard that Pessimism is not good for life, we should have an optimistic approach in our life. But Why is that? Why Pessimism is so bad? How does it affect our life ? Lets take a random walk with pessimism and get to know how life can be, with Pessimism.

Well, 'Pessimism' refers to the mental state of seeing the worst aspect of every phase or believing that the worst is going to happen. It signifies lack of hope or confidence in the future. According to study in Japan it has been concluded that pessimistic people are prone to get physical and mental problems and are more susceptible to chronic pains and illnesses.

Another study conducted by the Mayo clinic also concluded that people who maintains an optimistic view of life have lower chances of illness than their pessimistic counterparts. I think it is somewhat related to an old saying which goes like this, "If you only think about worst case scenario in every aspect, only the Worst you'll get. No wonder, people with pessimistic approach are full of worries and stress. Pessimism affects us in variety of ways actually.

                                Depression and Emotional Imbalance

The effects of pessimism are far greater than the development of negative outlook and lack of hope, for it can cause depression.  The haunting feeling that things will go wrong or nothing good will ever happen can trigger depressive thoughts, and these can lead to more serious problems like chronic pain, anger, insomnia, poor diet and other mental and emotional problems. Moreover, a person can become obsessed with this feeling and it'll take a whole lot of time to recover from this.

                                            Health Hazards

Apart from depression and other emotional issues, pessimism can also trigger health problems.  This is because pessimistic people tend to be unmindful of their health and they don’t care much about their condition.Heart problems, hypertension, obesity, are some of the indications of pessimism.  In contrast, people with optimistic views are better educated, in better physical, emotional and mental condition and holding stable jobs.  This is because they take care of themselves, they exercise, they eat to stay healthy, and they believe in the future.


                                           Poor Decision Making

Pessimistic people rarely make decisions in their lives and if they rarely do, it’s usually not out of concern for the future, because they don’t believe that things will turn out right in the first place. Pessimistic people are not wrong at sometimes, we should have caution while making a decision but most important thing is that good or bad, we have to move forward. SO why not make good decision with optimistic approach.

                                            Lack Of Motivation

Pessimists are those people who don’t believe in positive outcomes. Hence, being a pessimist often leads to lack of motivation and lack of ambition in any individual’s overall state of mind. Pessimism and a subsequent lack of motivation can hinder your growth and development in all walks of life, don’t you think?

The Conclusion: Pessimism will not take you anywhere good in your life. In some cases, it can be proved good indeed but in major part of life, it hinders our growth and make us more prone to failure.

Thanks for reading.

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Well-created post cryptonet. From my experience, having had a more 'pessimistic' mind-set for most of my life, it's very much dependent on your upbringing and the types of personalities you develop and/or copy from your parents and environment growing up. I developed a generally negative outlook on myself and so I didn't even grant myself a chance to to see life in any other way than I saw myself. It's important to understand what those "pessimistic" tendencies are based on as the deeper conditioned patterns in our mind so we can assist and support ourselves to transcend them.

Yeah, I agree with you @kimamourette. Having a pessimistic mindset mostly depends on our upbringing and the environment in which we have grown up. We mostly learn this approach from our close relatives and family members. But as soon as we got mature, we develop immunity towards everything around us. There comes a point when I have become a complete pessimistic person and I only draw towards negativity and darkness. Then one day, I challenged myself and did some things which only an optimistic can do. So understanding the roots of your pessimistic nature and overcoming them is completely on us. All we need is just a little motivation.

I agree cryptonet, it's still a personal choice and decision to make to challenge yourself and push yourself beyond the accepted and allowed self-limitations and conditionings. Change is in our own hands indeed.

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