ALASKA - The State I was Born in - The Beauty of ALASKA is out of this World.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

So, I happen to have been born in Alaska. I lived in both Anchorage and Juneau. I only lived in Alaska the first 6 1/2 years of my life but remember wonderful things about the life there. I remember as a child the sea coast of Juneau. Beautiful sea shells, chorals, and sea creatures would was ashore. I remember my parents always having us fly to neighboring cities because you can only get somewhere from ferry or by plane. A car just can't pass the mountains surrounding Juneau.


Anchorage was something else. I remember festivals with eskimo's. They would put one person on a huge skin tarp and toss him in the air about 20 feet up sometimes. I remember dog sleigh races, along with frozen tennis courts during winter time. Tennis courts were always frozen over so people could go ice skating any time.

I remember on April fools day one year when I was 5. A large moose walked into our yard (we lived by a mountain on about 5 acres). I ran inside to tell my mother that a moose was in the yard. My mom said "you are April fooling me". Then she looked and saw the moose.


I have wonderful memories of picking wild blue berries on a hillside with my mom, and going to a farm to see some really amazing huge carrots. I'll never forget the story my Grand Dad told me. He said he bartered for a King Crab in Wittear(sp) The crabs legs hung over both sides of his pick up truck. He paid a kid $5 for the crab.

Earthquakes. I vividly remember falling to the ground during earth quakes. I seriously couldn't stand up so I would just sit on the ground. I remember my best friend David's basement. His parent built a huge sand box in their basement for him to play in because the winters were so long.


White Nights. They really do exist. My Mom had to put tin foil over our windows so we could sleep. Otherwise it would be almost day light in our bedroom. You can actually read a newspaper under the white nights of Alaska. Its like Day time lasts forever.


Our neighbor's snow mobile. I remember our neighbor having a snow mobile. One day we tied our sled to the back of it and I sat on the very back of the sled. He took off and I did a back flip off the sled.

We always cut down our own Christmas Trees. My father, brothers and myself would go with the big sled to the neighboring mountain and we would choose a tree to cut down. What a joyous time.


Another wonderful memory was watching my brothers fire off their rockets from car batteries at their school. A wonderful memory.

The best memories I had from Alaska was always when I was with my family at home, talking, playing games, dancing, sitting around the wood burning stove, and having fun.

The funny memory I remember was when I was with my mom at the grocery store. It was popular for women to wear wigs outside to keep their heads warm in the 70's. I was in the car and watched my mother slip on the ice. She fell on her bottom and her wig came off. I cried and cried because I thought her hair fell off.

Thanks for reading. Please share your memories of early child hood. They will be nice for your kids to read one day. God bless and please do subscribe. The 3 pictures above are taken from google pics. The bottom photo is of me at 6. I was living in Anchorage, Alaska at the time. Wonderful Memories. Have a Great day. Cheers.

All images except the bottom picture is downloaded from google imaging.


A piece of heaven :) Such a beautiful place to be born @crowe

Yes, I just hope to go back some day and bring my children. I know they would love exploring old gold mines, and playing with the snow.

That sounds like a lot of fun. They would enjoy it

Give me snakes any day...bears and moose are too big to camp with

haha. I remember when we would go camping. Everybody was always armed with a big pistol. If a bear came up to camp you would just shoot up in the air to scare it off. Never had one charge us thank heavens.

No way bugger that! :)

haha. Come on. Just imagine the bears as a big dog.

Lol...yeah..that is the problem.. BIG lol.. Give me our little Koalas anyday, even though they are not a bear :)

Glad you enjoyed my city :) @crowe

Thanks for the reply dihoa. I am now following your blog. Cheers.

Love your pictures ..amazing to think you have also lived there!

I hope to return one day and see the place I was born. I would love to hiking in the Mountains of Alaska some day. Wonderful memories I sure do have from Alaska. Cheers.

Hope you will be able to return and create new memories!

Wonderful, thanks for sharing!

You are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read my article. Cheers.

Nice and well written post. I liked reading about your early life in Alaska. White nights sound fascinating...never experienced anything like that, its always dark by 7pm. Being born in Africa I have never experienced snowy winter either. The first time I saw snow on a large scale was at an indoor ski arena in Dubai in the middle of summer :)

I hope you get to go visit the mountains someday and experience a blizzard. Very cool indeed. I've heard about the ski resort in Dubai. That must have been fun doing that. Cheers.

Beautiful nature, would be a dream for me to live there! :)

You never know? Dreams do happen.

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