AETERNUM — One Fund. One Coin

in #aeternum7 years ago


The aeternumcoins token (AET) is an ERC-20 standard based Ethereum token which grants its respective holder the right to invest in aeternum Fund and profit from professional trading in cryptocurrencies or sell it on an exchange following its registration. AET tokens do not grant any shareholders’ or similar corporate rights.

The proceeds resulting from the AET token offering will be:

• provided to the aeternum Fund in form of Ethereum for trading in cryptocurrencies (as set forth below in the chapter Aeternum fund), and
• invested in mining rigs for their subsequent operation.

The operational mining-profi ts will be re-invested in both the aeternum Fund and in acquiring further mining rigs, thus continuously increasing the net asset value of aeternum Fund and the value of AET tokens. Only holders of AET tokens will be entitled to acquire through a managed account shares in aeternum Fund.

Tokens will be offered starting in a presale-phase on January 1, 2018, and in the official offering on March 1, 2018. The offering will end at the earlier of the sale of all tokens or on June 30, 2018. The offering is open for the global public, except for investors based in the US and the Slovak Republic.

Amount of Tokens Issued:
100 million
Issue Price per Token:
$ 1.30 as of March 1, 2018
$ 1.00 as of January 1, 20181
$ 1.20 as of February 19, 2018

Presale Phase:
January 1 through February 28, 2018

ICO Phase:
March 1, 2018 until all 100 million tokens are sold
or June 30, 2018

Token Issue Date:
(i) March 1, 2018 for those who invested prior to this date; and
(ii) immediately upon purchase, if purchase is made after
March 1, 2018

Use of Proceeds:
(i) for trading by aeternum Fund
(ii) investment in mining rigs and their subsequent operation
(iii) covering third party costs, eg ICO costs, marketing, regulatory and administration, legal and contingency for further or unexpected third party cost.


With the minimum of one Ethereum contributors may buy AET tokens which they will receive credited to their respective wallet following the ICO (step 1 in fig above).

The proceeds resulting from the ICO will be, on the one hand, converted into EUR and/or USD in order to purchase and subsequently operate mining rigs (step 2 in fig above), and, on the other hand, provided in form of Ethereum to aeternum Fund for trading in cryptocurrencies (step 3 in fig above).

Profits from the operation of the mining rigs will be split as (1) further investments in the form of purchase of mining rigs and (2) providing further funds (in the form of cryptocurrencies) to aeternum Fund.

The contributor who has bought AET tokens may then, in his sole discretion choose whether he will invest – via his AET tokens – in aeternum Fund, or sell / trade some or all of his AET tokens on an exchange for cash or other cryptocurrencies.

Aeternum Fund
Aeternum Fund will be established and incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The asset manager will be Lunde Asset Management, Switzerland. The managed account will be held by Interactive Brokers LLC, US. The trading itself is conducted by Hendrik Klein. Hendrik is an experienced trader (EUREX) specialised in quantitative investment strategies. In the past he has implemented sophisticated algorithms to track economic indicators. The algorithm systems analyse news based on which investment decisions are made: the strategy scans newsfeeds for econometric indicators to trade as soon as there are discrepancies between the consensus view and the actual news data. What the algorithm essentially does is predicting how specific instruments will behave when a piece of news comes out. There is, therefore, a high probability of the markets will move the way the algorithm predicts. All trades placed by the system are short-term – just a couple of minutes at the start and at the end of each day – after which the portfolio reverts back to cash. Hendrik has been successful with his strategies in the past, thus winning various awards, eg

  • Best Systematic CTA, Hedgeweek Global Awards 2016 1
  • Best Event Driven Fund 2012 (fi rst place), Exante Awards 2012
  • Relative Value (fi rst place), IBC’s Annual Hedge Fund Award 2009
  • Relative Value (third place), IBC’s Annual Hedge Fund Award 2008
    aeternum Fund will use funds received during the ICO to primarily invest, trade and hold cryptocurrencies.

Aeternum Fund will not only invest in cryptocurrencies but also hold a minimum of the assets in an amount of five percent in gold. The algorithms developed and successfully used in the past have been adapted to cover cryptocurrencies, their respective trading and news data relating to them and, thus profi t from the volatilities of cryptocurrencies. aeternum Fund will, however, be entitled to invest and trade in other asset classes (eg equity, debt, ETF, etc) if the fund’s management deems necessary and advantageous in the interest of the investors.

Shares in aeternum Fund can only be purchased, through a managed account, with AET tokens.
We expect aeternum Fund to be established and in operation by the beginning of July 2018, at the latest.
The fees are:
1.5 percent annual management fee
20 percent high water mark

Until now, there are only few funds which only hold and trade in cryptocurrencies, although we believe that this will change over the coming months. Of course, aeternum Fund will bear large risks like any other fund. However, it will give professional and retail investors the opportunity to participate in the growing market of cryptocurrencies and profiting from its volatilities without having to become personally involved with all the difficulties of buying, selling and monitoring the individual cryptocurrencies and markets.


MINING TEC has secured the abilities and resources of mining farms in Austria. We have collected vast experience in establishing and operating mining rigs in hydro power plants (mining farms) located throughout Austria. These hydro power plants generate “green energy” which is used for mining. The mining rigs which we currently operate and service through an affi liate are, to a large extent, owned by third parties which receive the profi ts from mining.

Through our network via the Austrian association of owners and operators of small and medium sized hydro power plants, we have secured a suffi cient number of hydro power plants in which approx. 12,000 mining rigs can be installed in total. We have, furthermore, commenced in identifying further locations for hydro power plants in both Switzerland and the Slovak Republic and are already in the process of negotiating conditions with the respective owners of such hydro power plants. The challenge is to negotiate and fi x long term and attractive energy prices.

The advantages of us operating mining rigs in such hydro power plants are that

we only use “green energy” (renewable energy), thus not wasting electricity produced by other expensive sources which are not ecological;

we have been able to contractually secure the energy price for the next fi ve years with our current hydro power plant operators; this allows us to plan and make reliable economic forecasts and limits are risks resulting from high electricity prices and price fluctuations;

no additional costs for cooling arise as the mining rigs installed in the hydro power plants are, in general, cooled automatically and naturally by the cool environment of the water with the natural air circulation. Thereby, sudden temperature rises or falls do not occur and temperatures can be kept below 40°C even in the event of extreme heat.
However, the hydro-power plant operators are obliged to provide additional cooling if necessary and at their own expense;

No additional costs for construction of or rental costs for buildings, hangars or containers.

Project timeline
Nov 2016 through Feb 2017: the initial development relating to the installation and operation of mining rigs in hydro power plants commenced including the programming of the necessary software for mining

December 2016 and ongoing: successful operation of mining rigs in hydro power plants

July 2017 through August 2017: in cooperation with Hendrik Klein, development of algorithms with a focus for trading in various cryptocurrencies and specializing on their volatilizes

Sept 2017 through Dec 2017:

finalization of development of algorithm based trading system in crypto currencies
development and programming smart contract
January and February 2018:

code review of smart contract final testing of trading algorithms
Jan 1, 2018 through Feb 28, 2018:

official pre-sale of AET tokens
March 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018: Initial Coin Offering (ICO) of AET tokens

On or about July 1, 2018: AET token is listed for trading on exchange aeternum Fund is open for investment by the use of AET tokens.

For more information please visit:
Bounty Campaign:
White Paper:

Author: Crator Touch

BCT Profile Link:;u=1612381

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60336.09
ETH 2333.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53