
in #health7 years ago

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Walking happily down the street that chilly evening, happy that it was Friday, I noticed this teenager with a river running down her eyes. I paused and was pushed to walk up to her and console her. I asked, "what’s wrong my dear?" The fact that she couldn’t tell because she didn’t know shocked me. I pried as much as I could into the origin of the sadness and downward look and realized that the young lady was on menstruation. I felt pity and annoyance reasons being that she didn’t know anything about menstruation because she wasn’t enlightened. The decision came to write the little I know about this topic to help our young female teenagers. I urge us all to advise our daughters and younger ones on this critical aspect of early womanhood. Crucify me or forgive me ladies but I have to write this and pray you people should complete my inadequacies with your comments.
What is Menstruation? Menstruation is the cyclic occurrence of uterine bleeding that starts near the end of puberty in young female adults. It is a stage in the menstrual cycle during which the endometrium, thickened in readiness to receive a fertilized egg cell (ovum), is shed because fertilization has not occurred. This shedding comes in the form of blood but is a mixture of blood, endometrium fragments, cervical fluid and vaginal secretions.

What is the duration of Menstruation? Menstruation usually lasts for about 2 to 7 days depending on factors that determine menstruation period which include stress, illness, exercise, diet, and nutrition. Menstruation starts at “menarche” (Age range of 10-16), about two years after girls begin developing breasts and pubic hairs. It stops at “menopause” time in a woman’s life when the ovaries cease to produce egg cells (age range of 45-55). Menstruation also stops temporarily during pregnancy as the released ovum was fertilized, thus nothing to shed. In some girls, menstrual symptoms occur during the time before menstruation. These symptoms of menstruation include breast pain, swelling, bloating, acne, etc. and are called “premenstrual molimina, ” and they help you detect the onset of menstruation.

What Causes the Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation?
Your endocrine system as a female produces hormones that work together with your reproductive organs to cause the menstrual cycle, and menstruation follows when conception doesn’t occur. Glands of endocrine system produce hormones that regulate various bodily functions such as blood sugar levels, metabolism, and reproduction. The menstrual cycle occurs in distinct phases during which hormones cause the changes that prepare the uterus to sustain a pregnancy, and also to induce menstruation when pregnancy doesn’t happen.

How much Blood is Normal during Menstruation?
The average volume of blood (menstrual fluid) during a monthly menstrual period is within the range of 2-5 tablespoons. This fact might be a surprise, but it is true. That means you might be experiencing excessive bleeding if you have to change pads every hour. Try to meet your doctor if you experience excessive bleeding during your period.

Physical Experience during the Menstrual Cycle
In most women, some physical changes are brought about by fluctuations in hormone levels during the cycle. Some may notice water retention, changes in sex drive, altered mental stability, fatigue, breast tenderness and headaches. A healthy diet, reduced salt intake, alcohol intake and regular exercise may be useful in controlling these changes.

Emotional and Psychological Experience during Menstruation
Most women experience emotional disturbances during menstruation. These range from irritability to tiredness, or weepiness, ie, easily provoked tearfulness, mood swings, etc.

Menstrual Disorders you should know
As people’s faces differ, so does how they experience menstruation. There are several ways a person’s cycle can vary or deviate from the norm. You're advised to discuss any of these deviations with your doctor.
Oligomenorrhea – Infrequent Periods
Hypomenorrhea – Abnormally small periods
Polymenorrhea – Extremely heavy/long periods
Hypermenorrhea – excruciating period
Metorrhagia – Absent period
Dysmennorhea – spotting between periods.

Sex during Menstruation
Sexual intercourse during menstruation is not advisable. Not that it causes damage in and of itself, but the woman’s body is more vulnerable during this time. Vaginal PH is higher and less acidic than usual, the cervix is lower in its position, and the opening is more dilated. During this period, the endometrium lining the uterus has gone, thus allowing organisms direct access to the bloodstream through the numerous blood vessels that nourish the uterus. All these conditions increase the chance of infection and STI transmission during menstruation.

With these points, I am sure I have convinced ladies that this topic requires in-depth and first-hand experience comments. It's high time we neglected the society's attitude to discussing this issue and speak up. I urge the ladies to drop comments and experiences for the benefit of the Nigerian female teenagers.

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