The major secret of billionaires "The silver-tongued perceptive"

in #money6 years ago

Presently, Bill Gates is spending millions of dollars in search of renewable energy. By the time he finds one and become a major player in the electricity industry, we will say he is lucky. But we forget that he didn't pray for financial breakthrough, he only found a solution to a global problem.

The major secret of billionaires is their ability to find solutions to the challenges of humanity. All of them created solutions that brought the billions.

Wealthy people don't necessarily look for money, they create solutions, and money will follow them! Larry Page and Sergey Brin went all out to help humanity find things faster on the internet, and billions of dollars followed them. Mark Zuckerberg created platforms for socialization, and over $71 billion followed him. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went all out to reduce the size of computer. What problems are you solving for humanity?
Steve Jobs in one of his quotes said that "Innovation disguishes between a leader and a follower"

Some people spend weeks on the mountain praying for financial breakthrough without knowing what to do to be rich. They just want to be rich anyhow. It doesn't work that way.

Real wealth comes through solving problems. Real wealth comes when we take a critical look around us, see the challenges that surrounds us, and proffer solutions to them.

One of the major reasons why millions of Africans live below the poverty line is our belief that magic wands will suddenly mint money for us. How many cups of mustard seeds did Mark Zuckerberg eat that made him an 'instant' billionaire? How many bottles of anointing oil did Jeff Bezos drink that turned him into an overnight owner of Amazon?

This is the stage to change our philosophy and wish pattern. start looking for the difficulties and problems we can solve for humanity. Money is actually a reward for solving problems for people. Keep soaring!



Nice one but try avoiding cheetah comment

Thanks, i appreciate.

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