in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Kingdom of Samudra Pasai
The Kingdom of Samudra Pasai appeared in about the 13th century, after the destruction of the kingdom of Srivijaya. The kingdom was founded by Marah Silu who later renamed Malik As Saleh after he embraced Islam. This kingdom is the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia. Sultan Malik As Saleh ruled for approximately 29 years (1297-1326 AD). The Kingdom of Samudera Pasai is a combination of Pase Kingdom and Peurlak Kingdom.

The existence of Pasai Ocean is reinforced by the records of Ibn Battuta, historian of Morocco. The chronicles of the Chinese proved this. According to Ibn Battuta, Samudera Pasai is the center of Islamic studies. He visited this kingdom in 1345-1346. Ibn Battuta called it "Sumutrah", his spelling for the name of the Ocean, which later became Sumatra.

When stopping at Pasai harbor, Batutah was picked up by a young admiral from Pasai named Bohruz. Then the laksman preached the arrival of Batutah to the King. He was invited to the Palace and met Sultan Muhammad, the grandson of Malik as-Saleh. Batutah stopped briefly in Pasai Ocean from Delhi, India, to continue his voyage to China.

Sultan Pasai is reported to have contact with Sultan Mahmud in Delhi and Ottoman Ottoman Empire. Also reported, that there are employees who come from Isfahan (Safavid Kingdom) who served in the palace Pasai. Therefore, literary works from Persia are so popular in this Pasai Ocean. Henceforth, this Persian literary form influences the shape of later Malay literature.

 Based on Batutah records, Islam has been in Pasai Ocean since a century ago, so around the 12th century AD Raja and the people of Samudera Pasai follow the Syafei School. After a year in Pasai, Batutah immediately resumed his voyage to China, and returned to Pasai Ocean again in 1347.

The reign of Sultan Malik as-Saleh was then followed by his son Sultan Muhammad Malik az-Zahir from his marriage to the daughter of King Peurlak. During the reign of Sultan Muhammad Malik az-Zahir, gold coin as currency has been introduced in Pasai, along with the development of Pasai became one of the trade area as well as the development of da'wah of Islam. Then around 1326 he died and was succeeded by his son Sultan Mahmud Malik az-Zahir and ruled until 1345

Furthermore, during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Malik az-Zahir son of Sultan Mahmud Malik az-Zahir, came the attack from Majapahit between 1345 and 1350, and caused Sultan Pasai was forced to flee from the capital of the kingdom.

The Pasai Sultanate re-emerged under the leadership of Sultan Zain al-Abidin Malik az-Zahir in 1383, and reigned until 1405. In the Chinese chronicles he was also known as Tsai-nu-li-a-pi-ting-ki, by King Nakur. Furthermore, the Sultanate of Pasai continued by his wife Sultanah Nahrasiyah.

Cheng Ho's fleet which led around 208 vessels visited the Pasai successively in 1405, 1408 and 1412. According to Cheng Ho's travel reports recorded by his aides like Ma Huan and Fei Xin. Geographically the Pasai Sultanate has been described as having borders with high mountains to the south and east, and if it continues to the east bordering the Aru Kingdom, to the north by sea, to the west by the two kingdoms, Nakur and Lide. Meanwhile, if continue to the west encounter with the kingdom of Lambri (Lamuri) mentioned at that time is 3 days and 3 nights from Pasai. During the visit Cheng Ho also presented a gift from the Chinese Emperor, Donya's Cakra Bell.

Around 1434 Sultan Pasai sent his brother known as Ha-li-zhi-han but died in Beijing. Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty sent Wang Jinhong to Pasai to deliver the news.

Towards the end of Kesu's government

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