Why Toasted Bread?

in #teammalaysia7 years ago

I love to toast my bread. It’s the most yummy and easy breakfast to make. Toast it and put some garlic butter and eat it with medium boiled egg. Too bad, recently I read an article that claimed that it's not healthy and a good idea not to toast it.


Photo source: Google

It say that burnt toast raise the concern of the risk from the formation of acrylamide, a compound that has been linked to nerve damage and cancer in animals. Having said that, the evidence of a direct link between cancer and acrylamide in food consumed by humans is far from compelling. Some studies claimed that a doubling in risk of uterine and cancer among women consuming this compound in food, while other studies have found nothing.

European Union’s health advisors decided to take a precautionary approach in 2007. They recommended people to avoid eating golden-brown chips and burnt toast as it may contain unacceptably high levels of acrylamide. Acrylamide in food forms from an amino acid and sugars that are naturally present in food; it does not come from the environment or food packaging. It formed during the baking or frying of potato and cereal products.


Photo source: Google

Imagine that, even knowing this fact, people still order these food in the restaurant. Even the fast food outlets such as Mcdonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken still served this food, and knowing a food lover like me, I still ordered them.

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