Foodie Alert: That's what we need to enjoy in Winter......./ 冬天,就是煲仔飯的季節.......

in #cn7 years ago

Dear all

Please kindly note that here is the time for clay-pot rice. HAHA. Its actually somewhat similar to a Korean bibimbap, in that you get those slightly crispy bits of rice at the bottom of the pot. You basically steam it with a bunch of Chinese charcuterie (cured pork belly and Chinese sausage), whip up a quick sauce, and stir it all together with fresh green onion. The salty, savory sausage and pork belly flavor the rice, and when you’re stirring that glorious mess together, it’s like…Helen of Who? If Agamemnon had this rice bowl, that whole Trojan War debacle could probably have been avoided.

To be honest, this restaurant is 1 of the 6 Hong Kong restaurants which still use coal as the fuel to cook the rice. In the meantime, you can enjoy the taste of all that delicious ingredients and traditional cooking method at the same time. P

Best Regards,
Foodie Brian


吃煲仔飯的,不礙乎追求炭爐的真章、配料的豐盛、飯焦的酥香。老實說,煲仔飯雖然並非珍饈百味,但真的很令我有滿足的感覺。有句舊話叫作"不時不食" ,食物除了味道、材料、烹調方法之外,更重要的是季節性,可以肯定的是這個冬天,我必然要繼續食煲仔飯下去。



Lastly, attach with one of the best clay-pot rice restaurant in Hong Kong./隨文附上其中一間我認為香港最好食的煲仔飯餐廳

Address: Shop 1, Wo Yick Mansion, 263 Queen's Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Western District


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