What Once Protected You Now Hinders You!

in #life7 years ago

As you get older what once served your paradigm now must be broken out of so you can obtain more light and knowledge. This is the way of life. Unfortunately we too often cling to things and beliefs that no longer serve us. It's not that they were wrong necessarily (even the wrong ones served a purpose) It's that they were a step on the ladder so to speak until we were prepared to move up higher. Just like you don't let a child in the shop to play with power tools because he does not understand them. Until he is mature enough to wield them with skill and safety.


This is particularly poignant with spirituality in my opinion. It is popular for people to say I don't believe in religion but I am a christian or spiritual or what ever their belief system is. But their earlier beliefs served them for a time as a step on the ladder to where they are now...

I think this is why its important to be open minded, not so black and white or rigid in ones beliefs. You might miss some truth that could expand your understanding. The most dangerous phrase in the language is "we've always done it that way".

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